ComputerSecurityStudent (CSS)

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Cyber Security Martial Arts Framework

Black Belt Training Certification in Hac-King-Do

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Recent Lab Posts
Date Title
2024-02-28 NESSUS: Lesson 5: Scan with Nessus on Kali
2024-02-28 NESSUS: Lesson 4: Install Nessus on Kali Rolling Edition
2024-02-22 Kali Rolling Edition: Lesson 1: Installing Kali Rolling Edition - 2023
2020-12-09 Kali: Lesson 5: Fix bignum too big to convert into `long' (RangeError)
2017-03-04 Kali Rolling Edition: Lesson 1: Installing Kali Rolling Edition
2016-10-11 Buffer Overflow: Lesson 2: Create PCMan Metasploit Module, Attack, and Capture Memory
2016-09-11 Buffer Overflow: Lesson 1: PCMan's FTP Server 2.0.7 Buffer Overflow Explained
2016-09-10 Damn Vulnerable Windows XP: Lesson 9: How to setup the PCMan's FTP Server 2.0.7 Buffer Overflow
2016-09-08 Student Help: ITT-Technical Institute: Free Cyber Security Dojo Trial Memberships
2016-08-19 Damn Vulnerable Windows XP: Lesson 8: How to install OllyDbg v1.10 x86 Debugger

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324,652 Password Cracking: Lesson 2: Using Kali, bkhive, samdump2, and John to crack the SAM Database
318,125 Hiren's: Boot CD: Mini Windows XP: NTPWEdit (Reset Xp/Vista/7 User Password)
236,536 Metasploitable Project: Lesson 4: Exploiting a Mis-Configured NFS Share
231,930 Social Engineering Toolkit (SET): Lesson 1: Clone website to gain victim's passwords
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201,055 Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA): Lesson 9: Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
192,077 Damn Vulnerable Linux: [DVL]: How to Install DVL
179,474 Hiren's: Boot CD: Offline NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer
160,026 Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA): Lesson 2: Command Execution Basic Testing
155,724 FTK Imager: Lesson 4: Mount Image File, Recover Deleted File
145,830 Mutillidae: Lesson 17: Using
125,730 Metasploitable Project: Lesson 8: Exploiting VSFTPD 2.3.4
120,730 Autopsy: Lesson 1: Analyzing Deleted JPEGs