Lesson 4)
{ Install Nessus on Kali Rolling Edition }
Section 0. Background
Information |
- What is NESSUS?
- Tenable Network
Security provides enterprise-class
solutions for continuous monitoring and
visibility of vulnerabilities,
configurations, user activity and system
events that impact security and
- Nessus features high-speed discovery,
configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery and
vulnerability analysis of your security posture
- Pre-Requisite
Lab Notes
- In this lab we will do the following:
- Install Nessus.
- Start the Nessus service
- Configure Nessus certificate
- Login Nessus
- Legal Disclaimer
- As a condition of your use of this Web
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this Web site for any purpose that is unlawful or
that is prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices.
- In accordance with UCC § 2-316, this
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- In addition, this is a teaching website
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- You are on notice, that continuing
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is considered malicious and is against the law.
- © 2013 No content replication of any
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- Start Up VMWare Player
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- Type Vmplayer in the search box
- Click on Vmplayer
- Edit the kali2 VM
- Instructions:
- Select kali2 VM
- Click Edit virtual machine settings
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on the Bridged Radio button
- Click on the OK Button
- Play the kali2 VM
- Instructions:
- Click on the kali2 VM
- Click on Play virtual machine
- Supply Username and Password
- Instructions:
- Provide username
- Provide password
- Click the Log In Button

Section 2:
Bring up a console terminal |
- Open a Terminal Emulator
- Instructions:
- Click the Kali Icon in the upper left
- Search for the string
root terminal
- Click on the Root Terminal Emulator Icon

- Authentication
- Instructions:
- Supply Password
- Click the Authenticate Button

- Obtain the IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Record your IP Address
- Note(FYI):
- My IP address
- In your case, it will probably be
- Run "dhclient -v" if you do not have an
IP address.

Section 3:
Download Nessus |
- Download Nessus
- Instructions:
- cd /var/tmp
- wget www.computersecuritystudent.com/SECURITY_TOOLS/NESSUS/lesson4/Nessus-10.7.0-ubuntu1404_amd64.deb
- ls -l Nessus*
- Note(FYI):
- "/var/tmp" is a common place to
download files.
- That latest version of Nessus can be
retrieved from the Tenable website.
- http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus/select-your-operating-system
- Use "ls" with the "-l" option to long
list or provide details (e.g., permissions, ownerships, byte size,
date, filename) of the Nessus deb (i.e., Debian Package) file you
just downloaded.
Section 4: Install Nessus |
- Install Nessus
- Instructions
- cd /var/tmp
- ls -l Nessus*
- dpkg -i Nessus*
- Notes
- #1, Change Directory (cd) into the (/var/tmp)
- #2, Use (ls -l) to long list the
details of the Nessus package.
- #3, Use (dpkg -i) to install the Nessus
- For steps #2 and #3 I am using a the
just encase the version changes.

- Start Nessus
- Instructions
- /bin/systemctl start nessusd.service
- ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep nessusd
- netstat -naop | grep -i ":8834"
- Notes
- #1, The script (/bin/systemctl start
provides the ability to start, stop and restart the Nessus
- #2, Use the process (ps) command to
display all (-eaf) running processes. Use (grep -v grep) to
ignore (-v) any lines that contain the actual grep process.
Use (grep nessusd) to display only lines that contain the (nessusd)
- #3, Use (netstat) to display all (-a)
numeric (-n) network connections and list timers (-o) and process
IDs (-p).

Section 5: Configure
Firefox Downloads |
- Start Firefox Instance
- Instructions:
- Click the Kali Icon
- Search for firefox
- Click the FireFox ESR Icon

- Enable Menu Bar
- Instructions:
- Left Click by the Home Icon
- Select the Menu Bar

- Enter Setting
- Instructions:
- Select Edit
- Select Settings
- Configure Downloads
- Instructions:
- Search for
- Select Always ask you where to save
Section 6: Obtain Nessus Activation Code |
- Obtain Registration Code
- Instructions:
- Place the following URL into Firefox
- http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus-home
- Supply First Name
- Supply Last Name
- Supply Email
- Click the Register Button
- Thank You For Registering
- Note(FYI):
- You will receive an email from Nessus
containing your registration Key.

Section 7:
Registered Nessus |
- Invalid Certificate Warning
- Instructions:
- Navigate to
- Click the Advanced button
- Click the Accept the Risk and
Continue button

- Initialization
- Notes(FYI):
- This will take 3 to 5 minutes
- Get an activation code
- Instructions:
- Skip the First Name, Last Name, and
Email inputs.
- Click the Skip Button
- Notes(FYI):
- Per (Section 6, Step 2) you should have
received an email with an activation code.
- Register Nessus
- Instructions:
- Activation Code:
Paste Activation Code
- Click the Continue Button
- Note(FYI):
- Per (Section 6, Step 2) the Activation Code should have
been sent to your email address that you supplied earlier.
- License Information
- Instructions:
- Your activation code will be displayed
- Click the Continue button
- Nessus Account Setup
- Instructions:
- Username:
- Password: Supply Password
- Click the Continue Button
- Nessus Plugin Download
- Notes(FYI):
- The download will take between 1 to 5

- Nessus Expert Trial
- Instructions:
- Notice Plugins are updating
- Close the Nessus Export Trial message

- Updating Nessus Plugins (Part 1)
- Notes(FYI):
- The pinwheel indicates that plugins are
being downloaded.
- This process will take between 1 to 5
- Scanning will not be available until
- Updating Nessus Plugins (Part 2)
- Notes(FYI):
- The pinwheel indicates that plugins are
being downloaded.
- This process will take between 1 to 5
- Scanning will not be available until
Section 8: Login to
Nessus |
- Login To Nessus
- Instructions:
- Login: student
- Password: Supply Password
- Click the Sign In Button
- Finished Compiling
- Note(FYI):
Nessus will display a message that the "Plugins are done compiling"
Notice the "Create a new scan" like is clickable an no longer grayed

- Open a Terminal Emulator
- Instructions:
- Click the Kali Icon in the upper left
- Search for the string
root terminal
- Click on the Root Terminal Emulator Icon

- Authentication
- Instructions:
- Supply Password
- Click the Authenticate Button

- Proof of Lab
- Instructions
- dpkg --get-selections nessus
- netstat -nao | grep 8834 | grep -v grep
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Put in your actual name in place of
"Your Name"
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
- date
Proof Of Lab Instructions:
- Press the PrtScn key
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle

Section 10: Log Out
of Nessus |
- Logout of Nessus
- Instructions:
Click on the student user icon
Click Sign Out

