2008 Server:
Lesson 9)
{ Configuring Internet
Explorer Group Policy }
Section 0.
Background Information |
- Why should we configure group policies for
Internet Explorer?
- As a security focal, you want to ensure that
you have the ability to view a user's browsing history.
- Browsing history might contain forensic
evidence for any possible attack that might occur in the future.
- In addition, by disabling the possibility of
allowing a user to delete their own history, this option could serve as a
deterrent to surfing prohibited material.
Section 1. Login to
your W2K8 server. |
- Start your Windows 2008 Server
- Instructions:
- Click on W2K8 Server
- Click on Play virtual machine

- Instructions
- Virtual Machine
- Send Ctrl+Alt+Del

- Login as Administrator
- Click on the Administrator icon.

- Login
- Command:
Provide the password for the Administrator account.

Section 2. Launching
Group Policy Editor |
- Launch Group Policy Editor
- Instructions:
- In the search box, type "gpedit.msc"
- Click on gpedit

- Navigate to the Internet Explorer Policies
- Instructions:
- Computer Configuration -->
Administrative Templates --> Windows Components --> Internet

Section 3. Prevent
the deletion of temporary Internet files and cookies |
- Select "Prevent the deletion of temporary
Internet files and cookies"
- Instructions:
- Right click on "Prevent the deletion of
temporary Internet files and cookies"
- Select Properties
- Note:
- If you enable this policy setting, users
will not be able to delete temporary Internet files and cookies.

- Edit "Prevent the deletion of temporary
Internet files and cookies"
- Instructions:
- Click on Enabled
- Click on Apply
- Click on OK
- View your results
- Instructions:
- Select the Standard tab at the bottom
of the right window.
- Notice that the state of "Prevent the
deletion of temporary Internet files and cookies" is now Enabled.
Section 4. Turn off
Delete Browsing History functionality |
- Select "Turn off Delete Browsing History
- Instructions:
- Right Click on "Turn off Delete
Browsing History functionality"
- Select Properties
- Note:
- If you enable this policy setting, users
cannot perform the "Delete Browsing History" action in Internet Options
for Internet Explorer 7.

- Configure "Turn off Delete Browsing History
- Instructions:
- Select Enabled
- Click on Apply
- Click on OK.
Section 5. Disable
Configuration History |
- Select Disable "Configuration History"
- Instructions:
- Right Click on Disable "Configuration
- Note:
- If you enable this policy setting, a user
cannot set the number of days that Internet Explorer keeps track of the
pages viewed in the History List.
- You must specify the number of days that
Internet Explorer keeps track of the pages viewed in the History List.
- Users will not be able to delete browsing
- Configure Disable "Configuration History"
- Instructions:
- Select Enabled
- Type 90 in the Days to keep pages in
History text box.
- Select Apply
- Select OK.
Section 6. Update
Group Policies |
- Open the Command Prompt
- Instructions:
- Start --> Command Prompt
- Update the Group Policies
- Instructions:
- gpupdate /force
Section 7. Verify
results in Internet Explorer |
- Verify results in Internet Explorer
- Instructions:
- In the search box, type "explorer"
- Click on Internet Explorer
- Open Internet Options
- Instructions:
- Tools --> Internet Options
- Review Internet Options
- Instructions:
- Notice the Delete button is not in
focus, as in it is not clickable.
- Click on the Settings button.
- Review Temporary Internet Files and History
- Notes:
- Notice that "Days to keep pages in
history:" cannot be changed.
- Also, the "Days to keep pages in
history:" has been set to 90 days.
- Open a Command Prompt
- Instructions:
- Start --> Command Prompt

- View Group Policy Results
- Instructions:
- gpresult /V | more
- Before pressing the <Enter> key more
than one continue to the next step.

- Using the gpresult utility
- Instruction:
- Keep pressing the <Enter> key until you
see "User Rights"
- Once you see "User Rights" press the
<Ctrl>+c keys
- date
- Press Enter
- echo "Your Name"
- Replace the string "Your Name" with
your actual name.
- E.g., echo "John Gray"
Proof of Lab Instruction:
- Do a PrtScn
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle.
