2008 Server:
Lesson 7)
{ Using Windows Basic
Encryption }
Section 0.
Background Information |
- In this lab.
- In this lab, the user teamlead we will encrypt
a file using Windows basic encryption.
- Then the user manager will unsuccessfully try
to open the encrypt file.
Section 1. Login to
your W2K8 server. |
- Start your Windows 2008 Server
- Instructions:
- Click on W2K8 Server
- Click on Play virtual machine

- Instructions
- Virtual Machine
- Send Ctrl+Alt+Del

- Login as Administrator
- Instruction:
- Click on the Switch User Button.

- Other User
- Instruction:
- Click on Other User

- Other User
- Instruction:
- Login as teamlead
- Use the standard classroom password.
Section 2. Create a
Folder, File and Apply Encryption |
- Bring Up Computer (a.k.a., Windows Explorer)
- Instructions:
- Start --> Computer

- Select the C: Drive
- Instructions:
- Double Click on "Local Disk (C:)"
- Create a New Folder
- Instructions:
- File --> New --> Folder
- Create a folder named "OPERATIONS"
- Instructions:
- Enter the "OPERATIONS" folder
- Instructions:
- Right Click on the OPERATION folder
- Select Open
- Create a Text Document.
- Instructions:
- File --> New --> Text Document
- Naming the file teamlead-encrypted-file
- Instructions:
- Name the file teamlead-encrypted-file
- Hit Enter
- Open the file teamlead-encrypted-file
- Instructions:
- Right click on teamlead-encrypted-file
- Click on Open
- Enter text and save the file.
- Instructions:
- Enter some text in the file.
- File --> Save
- Open the file properties
- Instructions:
- Right Click on the file
- Select Properties

- Click on the Advanced... button
- Instructions:
- Click on the Advanced... button

- Encrypt the file contents
- Instructions:
- Click on the "Encrypt contents to
secure data" check box.
- Click the OK button
- Apply File Encryption
- Instructions:
- Click Apply
- Encrypt the file only
- Instructions:
- Click the "Encrypt the file only" radio
- Click the OK Button
- Select the OK Button
- Instructions:
- Click on the OK Button
- Select the OK Button
- Note:
- Notice the text color of the filename
is now in green to show that the file is encrypted.
Section 3. See if
user manager can view the encrypted file |
- Switch User
- Instructions:
- Start --> Switch User

- Log On
- Instructions:
- Virtual Machine --> Send Ctrl+Alt+Del
- Select Other User
- Instructions:
- Click on the Other User icon.
- Select Other User
- Instructions:
- Login as manager
- The Password is the standard classroom
- Click the Blue Arrow next to the
password box.
- Bring up Computer (a.k.a., Windows Explorer)
- Instructions:
- Start --> Computer
- Select the C: Drive
- Instructions:
- Double Click on "Local Disk (C:)"
- Get into the OPERATIONS folder
- Instructions:
- Double Click on the OPERATIONS folder
- Try to open the teamlead-encrypted-file.txt
- Instructions:
- Right click on the file
- Click on Open
- Access is denied Message in Windows
- Note:
- Notice that user manager cannot view a
file encrypted by user teamlead.
- Access Denied Message in DOS
- Instructions:
- Start --> Command Prompt
- dir
- type teamlead-encrypted-file.txt
- date #Press Enter Twice
- echo "Your Name"
- Replace "Your Name" with your
actual name.
- E.g., echo "John Gray"
Proof of Lab
- Do a PrtScn
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle.
- Complete Section 3, Step 10.
