2008 Server:
Lesson 14)
{ Security Configuration
Wizard }
Section 0.
Background Information |
- Overview
- Security Configuration Wizard (SCW) is an
attack-surface reduction tool included with Windows Server 2008 R2 and
Windows Server 2008.
- SCW guides administrators in creating security
policies based on the minimum functionality required for a server's role or
- This guide provides step-by-step procedures for
using SCW to create and apply a security policy to a prototype server in a
test environment.
Section 1. Login to
your W2K8 server. |
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on W2K8
- Click on Edit virtual machine settings
- Edit Network Adapter Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on Bridged: Connected directly to
the physical network.
- Click OK.
- Start your Windows 2008 Server
- Instructions:
- Click on W2K8 Server
- Click on Play virtual machine

- Instructions
- Virtual Machine
- Send Ctrl+Alt+Del

- Login as Administrator
- Click on the Administrator icon.

- Login
- Command:
Provide the password for the Administrator account.

Section 2. Start the
Security Configuration Wizard |
- Opening the Security Configuration
- Instructions:
- Type "scw" in the search box.
- Click on "scw" under Programs.
- Welcome to the Security Configuration
- Create New Security Policy
- Instructions:
- Click the "Create a new
security policy" radio button.
- Click Next
- Select a Server
- Instructions:
- Just take the default name.
- Click Next.
- Processing Security Configuration
- Instructions:
- Select Next
Section 3.
Role-Based Service Configuration |
- Role-Based Service Confirguration
- Select Next.
- Select Server Roles
- Instructions:
- Under the View: drop down box,
select "Selected roles"
- Make sure the following roles
are selected.
- Click Next.
- Select Client Features
- Instructions:
- Take the Default Selections
- Click Next
- Select Administration and Other Options
- Instructions:
- Take the Default Selections
- Click Next

- Select Additional Services
- Instructions:
- Take the Default Selections
- Click Next
- Handling Unspecified Services
- Instructions:
- Select "Do not change the
startup mode of the service" radio button.
- Click Next
- Confirm Service Changes
- Instructions:
- Select "Changed services"
- Click Next
Section 4. Network
Security |
- Network Security
- Instructions:
- Click Next

- Network Security Rules
- Instructions:
- Select All Rules
- Click Next
Section 5. Registry
Settings |
- Registry Settings
- Instructions:
- Select Next.
- Require SMB Security Signatures
- Instructions:
- Select both check boxes.
- Select Next.
- Require LDAP Signing
- Instructions:
- Do not select the check box.
- Click Next
- Outbound Authentication Methods
- Instructions:
- Click the Domain Accounts
- Click Next.
- Outbound Authentication using Domain
- Instructions:
- Click the Windows NT or later
operating system checkbox.
- Click Next.
- Registry Settings Summary
- Audit Policy
- Instructions:
- Click Next.

- System Audit Policy
- Instructions:
- Click on the "Audit successful an
unsuccessful activities" radio button.
- Click Next.
- Audit Policy Summary
- Instructions:
- Click Next.
- Save Security Policy
- Instructions:
- Click Next.
- Security Policy File Name
- Instructions:
- Take Default Location
- Click Next.
- Security Policy File Name
- Instructions:
- Name the Security Policy Your Name.
(See Below)
- Click Next.
- Apply Security Policy
- Instructions:
- Click Apply later
- Click Next
- Completing the Security Configuration Wizard
- Instructions:
- Click Finish
- Open a Command Prompt
- Instructions:
- Type "cmd" in the search box.
- Click on "cmd" under programs.
- Proof of Lab
- Instructions:
- cd
- dir
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Replace the string "Your Name" with
your actual name.
- E.g., echo "John Gray"
Proof of Lab Instructions:
- Do a PrtScan
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle.
