Lesson 10)
{ Securing a directory
with Apache's htpasswd }
Section 0. Background
Information |
- What is the Apache's htpasswd?
- htpasswd is used to create and update the
flat-files used to store usernames and password for basic authentication of
HTTP users.
- htpasswd encrypts passwords using either a
version of MD5 modified for Apache, or the system's crypt() routine. Files
managed by htpasswd may contain both types of passwords; some user records
may have MD5-encrypted passwords while others in the same file may have
passwords encrypted with crypt().
- For more information on htpaswd, please
click here.
Section 1. Play
Virtual Machine |
- Play virtual machine. (See Below)
Section 2. Login to
your Fedora14 server. |
- Login As student
- Start Up A Terminal.
- Applications --> System Tools --> Terminal
- Switch User to root
- Command:
su - root
Section 3. Make a
backup of the Apache Configuration File httpd.conf |
- Backup /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- Command:
cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.BKP
- Command:
ls -l /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf*
- Note:
Before working on any configuration file, it is always a good idea to
make a backup, just encase you screw things up.
Section 4. Creating
a secure directory |
- Let's create a secure directory
- Command:
cd /var/www/html
- Change directory to /var/www/html, which is
typically your base or root html path for Fedora.
- Command:
mkdir area51
- Make a directory called area51
- Command:
chown apache:apache area51
- Change the user and group ownerships to
- Command:
chmod 770 area51
- Change permission to where the user and
group have full rights.
- Command:
ls -l | grep area51
- Create a practice file
- Command:
cd /var/www/html/area51
- Command:
echo "hello world" > hello.html
- Command:
chown apache:apache hello.html
- Command:
chmod 770 hello.html
- Command:
ls -l hello.html
Section 5.
Create htpasswd username and password |
- Setting up the .htpasswd file.
- Command:
cd /var/www/html/area51
- Change directory to the area51
- Command:
htpasswd -c .htpasswd alien
- Create a password for alien
- Note: You will get prompted twice
for a password.
- Command:
ls -l .htpasswd
- Command:
cat .htpasswd
Proof of Lab: Do a screen print, cut in paste into a
word document, and upload to Moodle.
Section 6. Configure
the httpd.conf file |
- Let's configure the httpd.conf file.
- Command:
vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- Search for "</Directory" in vi
- Command:
Press the "/" key
- Command:
Type "<Directory"
- Command:
Press Enter
- The above vi search command will place the
cursor on the first instance of "<Directory".
- Command:
Arrow Down to where your cursor is below the line that contains
- Do the following
- Command:
Press the "i" key to get into vi's INSERT Mode
- Command:
Press the Enter key once to add a space
- Command:
Type in the below lines
- <Directory /var/www/html/area51>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "restricted area"
AuthUserFile /var/www/html/area51/.htpasswd
require valid-user
- Command:
Press the Enter key once to add a space
- Command:
Press the Esc key
- Command:
Type ":wq!" to save and quit vi.
- Restart Apache
- Command:
service httpd restart
- This is how you restart the httpd daemon.
- We did this because we made change to the
httpd.conf file.
- Command:
ps -eaf | grep httpd | grep -v grep
- This is the verify the httpd processes are
Section 7. Test Your
Secure Directory from you local host |
- Click on your Firefox web browser
- Navigate to area51
- Command:
- You will be prompt for username and
- Command:
The username is "alien" and the password is whatever you made it.
- Verify your the contents of your /area51
- Note:
You should see a file called hello.html
- Command:
Click on hello.html
Section 8. Test Your
Secure Directory from you remote host |
- Determine your IP Address
- Command:
ifconfig -a
- Note: is my IP address, and yours will probably be different.
- Let's Prep your WindowsVulnerable01 VMware
- Note:
- For those of you not in my class, this
is a Window XP machine.
- But for purposes of this lab, it would
be any Windows Machine connected to the same network your fedora14
machine is also connected.
- Command:
Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Command:
- Click on CD/DVD (IDE)
- Make sure the "Use physical drive:"
radio button is selected.
- Make sure Auto detect is selected.
- Command:
- Select the Options tab.
- Select the Microsoft Windows Radio
- Select Windows XP Professional Version
- Select OK.
- Start up WindowsVulnerable01
- Start up your Internet Explorer Web Browser
- Navigate to area51
- Enter the alien username and password.
- Note:
The password is whatever you set it to earlier.
- Verify your the contents of your /area51
- Note:
You should see a file called hello.html
- Command:
Click on hello.html
- Cut and Paste a screen shot of Section 5, Step
1 into a word document and upload to Moodle.