Lesson 3)
{ Scan with Nessus on
BackTrack 5R1 }
Section 0. Background
Information |
- What is the purpose of this lesson?
- In the previous lessons you use NMAP to
determine which services were running, using a methodology known as port scanning. This lesson will
teach you how use Nessus to conduct a vulnerability assessment.
- What is NESSUS?
- Tenable Network
Security provides enterprise-class
solutions for continuous monitoring and
visibility of vulnerabilities,
configurations, user activity and system
events that impact security and
- Nessus features high-speed discovery,
configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery and
vulnerability analysis of your security posture
- Pre-Requisite
Lab Notes
- In this lab we will do the following:
- Scan Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 with
- Product Nessus Report
- Save Nessus Report
- Legal Disclaimer
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- In accordance with UCC § 2-316, this
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- You are on notice, that continuing
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Section 1:
Login to BackTrack |
- Start Up VMWare Player
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- Type Vmplayer in the search box
- Click on Vmplayer
- Open a Virtual Machine
- Instructions:
- Click on Open a Virtual Machine
- Open the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Navigate to where the BackTrack5R1 VM
is located
- Click on on the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click on the Open Button
- Edit the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Select BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click Edit virtual machine settings
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on the Bridged Radio button
- Click on the OK Button
- Play the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Click on the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click on Play virtual machine
- Login to BackTrack
- Instructions:
- Login: root
- Password: toor or <whatever you changed
it to>.
- Bring up the GNOME
- Instructions:
- Type startx
Section 2:
Login to Damn
Vulnerable WXP-SP2 (Victim Machine) |
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Note:
- This VM is running Windows XP.
- This is the Victim Machine that we will
be scanning with BackTrack5R1.
- Set Network Adapter
- Instructions:
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on the radio button "Bridged:
Connected directly to the physical network".
- Start Up Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2.
- Instructions:
- Start Up your VMware Player
- Play virtual machine
- Logging into Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2.
- Instructions:
- Click Administrator
- Supply Your Password
- Click On
- Open a Command Prompt
- Instructions:
- Start --> All Programs --> Accessories
--> Command Prompt
- Obtain the IP Address
- Instructions:
- ipconfig
- Record Your IP Address
- Note(FYI):
- #1, (ipconfig) displays all current
TCP/IP network configuration values.
- #2, In my case, Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2's
IP Address
Section 3:
Bring up a console terminal |
- Start up a terminal window
- Instructions:
- Click on the Terminal Window
- Obtain the IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Record Your IP Address
- Note(FYI):
- #1, (ifconfig -a), display all
interfaces which are currently available.
- #2, In my case, my IP address
Section 4: Start the Nessus Service |
- Start Nessus Service
- Instructions:
/etc/init.d/nessusd start
- ps
-eaf | grep nessus | grep -v grep
- Note(FYI):
- /etc/init.d/nessusd,
is the start up script for nessus.
- ps
-eaf: Show me all processes
- |
grep nessus: Only show me nessus processes.
- |
grep -v grep: Do not show me
the actual grep process.
Section 5: Login To
Nessus |
- Start Firefox Instance
- Instructions:
- cd /root/firefox/
- ./firefox &
- Firefox will soon pop up.
- Note(FYI):
- We
start Firefox this way, because this is our upgraded instance of Firefox
that is compatible with the newest version of Nessus.
- Invalid Certificate Warning
- Instructions:
- Click the Advanced Button
- Click the Add Exception Button
- Note(FYI):
- You are receiving this message because
Nessus uses a self-signed certificate that is required for the HTTPS
- In other circumstance, it is would be
in your best interest to not proceed.
- Invalid Certificate Warning
- Instructions:
- Check the Permanently store this
exception checkbox
- Click the Confirm Security Exception
- Login To Nessus
- Instructions:
- Login: admin
- Password: Supply Password
- Click the Sign In Button
Section 6: Create Nessus
Policy |
- Nessus Policies
- Instructions:
Click on Policies
- Create Nessus Policies
- Instructions:
Click on Create a new policy
- Policy Wizards
- Instructions:
Click on Basic Network Scan
- New Basic Network Scan Policy
- Instructions:
Policy Name: Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2
Description: Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2
Click the Save Button
- View Saved Policy
- Note(FYI):
After clicking the save button, you will see your newly saved
Section 7: Create Nessus
Scan |
- Nessus Scans
- Instructions:
Click on Scans
- Create New Scan
- Instructions:
Click on New Scan -or- Create a new scan
- User Defined Scan Templates
- Instructions:
Click on the User Defined tab
Click on the Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 Policy
- Save Scan
- Note(FYI):
Replace with Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2's IP Address
obtained from (Section 2, Step 6).
- Instructions:
Name: Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2
Description: Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2
Folder: My Scans
Click the Save Button
- Launch Scan
- Instructions:
Click Launch Triangle
- View Running Scan
- Instructions:
Click the running icon
to view the
active scan
- Note(FYI):
- It
will take between 3 to 5 minutes for the running icon
to turn into a
completed icon .
- See Completed Scan
- Instructions:
Click on the grey check mark
Section 8: View Nessus
Results |
- View Vulnerabilities
- Instructions:
Click on Vulnerabilities
- Notes(FYI):
- Red
represents the highest vulnerabilities. Blue represents the
lower vulnerabilities.
- You
will see more vulnerabilities once you complete the following
Hac-King-Do lessons:
UltraVNC, and
- Viewing the Vulnerabilities
- Instructions:
Click on the Vulnerabilities Tab
Notice the scan indicates how many vulnerabilities were found.
my case, there were 31.
Notice the completed status.
Click on MS08-067
- Note(FYI):
- A
pen tester will have a big smile on their face, if MS08-067 shows up
on the radar.
- MS08-067 (Description, Solution)
- Instructions:
Read the Description
Read the Solution
Scroll Down
- Note(FYI):
- #2,
Notice this affects not only XP, but also W2K, W2K3, Vista and W2K8.
- MS08-067 (Exploit Tools and Reference Information)
- Instructions:
Exploitable With: These are the tools that can exploit the
Reference Information: Click on these links if you with to learn
more able the exploit.
Section 9: Save Nessus
Report |
- Produce Report
- Instructions:
Click on Export Drop Down Menu
Click on CSV
- The
Report will be downloaded and saved
- Save Report
- Instructions:
Select the Save File radio button
Click on OK button
- Start up a terminal window
- Instructions:
- Click on the Terminal Window
- Proof of Lab
- Instructions
- cd /root/Downloads
- ls -lrta
- grep -i "ms08-067" *.csv
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Put in your actual name in place of
"Your Name"
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
Proof Of Lab Instructions:
- Press the PrtScn key
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle