Lesson 3)
{ Analyzing the Memory
Dump of a MS10-061 Attack }
Section 0. Background
Information |
- What is the scenario?
- In the
pre-requisite lesson we learned how
a malicious perpetrator was able to connected to a shared printer and
later gain Administrator privilege to that machine. During the
attack we were able to use Helix to remotely copy its' memory to our
Kali Forensics machine. Now we are (1) going to use Volatility to
analyze its' memory, (2) objdump to analyze the backdoor
executable created by ms10_061_spoolss, and (3) BitDefender to scan the
backdoor executable.
- What is the Microsoft Print Spooler Service
Impersonation Vulnerability?
- The ms10_061_spoolss module exploits the
RPC service impersonation vulnerability detailed in Microsoft Bulletin
MS10-061. By making a specific DCE RPC request to the StartDocPrinter
procedure, an attacker can impersonate the Printer Spooler service to
create a file. The
working directory at the time is %SystemRoot%\system32. An attacker
can specify any file name, including directory traversal or full
paths. By sending WritePrinter requests, an attacker can fully
control the content of the created file. In order to gain code
execution, this module writes to a directory used by Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) to deploy applications. This
directory (Wbem\Mof) is periodically scanned and any new .mof files
are processed automatically. This is the same technique employed by
the Stuxnet code found in the wild.
- What is Volatility 2.2?
- Volatility now supports Linux memory dumps
in raw or LiME format and includes 35+ plugins for analyzing 32-bit and
64-bit Linux kernels from 2.6.11 - 3.5.x and distributions such as
Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSuSE, Fedora, CentOS, and Mandrake. Official OSX and
Android support are coming!
- Volatility supports memory dumps from all
major 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions and service packs including XP,
2003 Server, Vista, Server 2008, Server 2008R2, and 7.
- Whether your memory dump is in raw format,
a Microsoft crash dump, hibernation file, or virtual machine snapshot,
Volatility is able to work with it.
- Reference:
What is objdump?
- objdump is a program that is used for displaying various
information about object files. It can be used as a disassembler to view
executable in assembly form.
- What is BitDefender (bdscan)?
- Bitdefender (bdscan) is an anti-virus
scanner for both the Unix and Linux environments with the
capabilities to detect and remove Trojans, rootkits, rogues, aggressive
adware, spam and much more.
- Pre-Requisite
- References
Lab Notes
- In this lab we will do the following:
- Determine Volatility Profile
- Examine Network Connections
- Associate Suspicious Network
Connections to Process IDs
- Associate Filenames to Process IDs
- Associate DLLs to Backdoor Executable
- Scan Backdoor Executable
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Section 1:
Login to BackTrack |
- Open VMware Player on your windows machine.
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- Type "vmware player" in the search box
- Click on VMware Player

- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on Kali
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Note:
- Before beginning a lesson it is
necessary to check the following VM settings.
- Configure CD/DVD
- Instructions:
- Click on CD/DVD (IDE)
- Click on the radio button "Use
physical drive:"
- Select Auto detect

- Set Network Adapter
- Instructions:
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on the radio button "Bridged:
Connected directly to the physical network".
- Click the OK Button
Section 2: Play and
Login to Kali |
- Start Up Kali
- Instructions:
- Click on Kali
- Play virtual machine
- Supply Username
- Instructions:
- Click Other...
- Username:
- Click the Log In Button
- Supply Password
- Instructions:
- Password: <Provide you Kali root
- Click the Log In Button
- Open a Terminal Window
- Instructions:
- Click on Applications
- Accessories --> Terminal
- Obtain Kali's IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig
- Record your IP Address
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, ifconfig is used to display
Kali's IP Address.
- Command #2, Record Your IP Address.
- Mine is
- Yours will probably be different.
Section 3: Set
Volatility Execute Permissions |
- Setting Volatility File Permissions
- Instructions:
- ls -l /usr/share/volatility/vol.py
- chmod 755 /usr/share/volatility/vol.py
- ls -l /usr/share/volatility/vol.py
- Notice the permission are set to 755
(See Picture)
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, Use (ls -l) to list the
file details of vol.py. Notice permission are set to 644, and
the the execute (x) bit is not set.
- Command #2, Use (chmod) to give the
User, Group and World execute permissions.
- Command #3-4, Use (ls -l) to display
the vol.py file permissions. Notice, that User, Group and
World all have the execute (x) bit set.

Section 4: Set
Volatility Environmental PATH Variable. |
- Setting Volatility Environmental PATH
- Instructions:
- which vol.py
- echo $PATH
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/volatility
- echo $PATH
- which vol.py
- vol.py -v
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, Use (which) to view the
full file path location of vol.py. Nothing is returned, which
means the operating system does not know where vol.py is located.
- Command #2, The PATH variable is an
environment variable that contains a colon-delimited list of system
directories. The directories are where commands are located, so that
when you type a command, those directories are where the system
searches for it.
- Command #3, vol.py is located in (/usr/share/volatility).
Therefore, we add (/usr/share/volatility) to the PATH variable so
the operating system knows where vol.py is located.
- Command #4, Notice the (which) now
returns the full path name of where vol.py is located.
- Command #5, Just to make sure, we issue
the command (vol.py -v) to make sure Volatility can run. The
(-v) flag tells Volatility to display its' version number.

Section 5: Determine
Volatility Profile |
- View Forensic Files
- Instructions
- cd /forensics/ms10_061
- ls -lrta
- Note(FYI):

- Determine Which Profile to Use
- Instructions
- vol.py imageinfo -f ms10_061.dd
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, ask Volatility to identify
the Operating System Version of the image (ms10_061.dd).

Section 5: Associate
Network Connections to Processes |
- Display Network Connections
- Instructions
- vol.py --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f
ms10_061.dd connections
- vol.py --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f
ms10_061.dd connscan
- Copy your PID associated with PORT
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, Use (connections)
to view the active connections.
- In my case, the local address
( belongs to Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 and the remote
address ( belongs to Kali.
- Command #2, Use (connscan)
to view both active and terminated connections.
- Port 4444, belongs to the reverse_tcp
LPORT Meterpreter sessions running on Kali.
- Port 139, belongs to NetBIOS running on
Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2. NetBIOS is used by attackers to probe
for file, folder, device and printer shares.
- Port 8888, belongs to the netcat
session on Kali that received Helix's memory dump.
- Port 445, belongs to SMB running on
Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2. The SMB (Server Message Block)
protocol is used among other things for file sharing in Windows

- Viewing Processes with
- Note(FYI):
- Below replace PID(196)
with your PID associated with Port(4444) in the previous step.
- Instructions
- vol.py --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f
ms10_061.dd pslist | egrep
- Notice the strangely named executable
(W75nXA97wkv3RI.exe) associated with PID(196).
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, Use (pslist)
to list the processes of a system. Note, the (-p PID) flag
only returns one line, which is the reason I use egrep. E.g., vol.py --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f
ms10_061.dd pslist
-p 196
- Step #2, Typically processes do not
listen on Port(4444). Another red flag is that it is strangely
named. In addition, strangely named executables to now spawn off
three Command Prompts (cmd.exe).

- Viewing Processes with
- Note(FYI):
- Below replace PID(196)
with your PID associated with Port(4444) in the previous step.
- Instructions
- vol.py --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f
ms10_061.dd pstree
- Locate, Highlight, and Right Click the
strangely name executable. In my case, it is name (W75nXA97wkv3RI).
- Select Copy
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, Use (pstree) to
view the process list in tree form. Child process are
indicated using indention and periods.

- Viewing Processes with
- Note(FYI):
- Below replace (W75nXA97wkv3RI)
with your strangely named executable that you copied in the previous
- Instructions
- vol.py --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f
ms10_061.dd dlllist | grep "W75nXA97wkv3RI"
- Notice that the strangely named
executable is running out of C:\WINDOWS\system32
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, Use (dlllist)
to display a process's loaded DLLs.
- Step #2, Just to recap, we know there
is a strangely named executable (W75nXA97wkv3RI)
that is attached PID(196)
that is connected to a remote IP address (Kali[]) on
Port(4444). On top of that, a glaring red flag is that the
strangely named executable is running out of C:\WINDOWS\system32.
This directory (C:\WINDOWS\system32) should only contain Microsoft
specific utilities (Executables) and Libraries (DLLs).
- To get a comprehensive list of allowed
utilities and libraries, see the following link.

Section 6: Associate
File to DLLs |
- Viewing DLLs with
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (W75nXA97wkv3RI.exe)
with your strangely named executable.
- Instructions
- ls -lrta *.exe
- objdump
-x -D | grep "DLL Name"
- WSOCK32.dll is a Windows Library that
is used for Internet Connectivity, especially for TCP/IP.
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, Use (ls -lrta *.exe) to
only list executables in the forensics directory
- Command #2, Among other things, command
(objdump) is used view which object files and libraries (DLLs) are
used by a program. In this case, I am asking objdump to show
me all the DLLs that are accessed by (W75nXA97wkv3RI.exe).
- Step #3, I bring extra attention to
WSOCK32.dll because this DLL is
required for Internet Connectivity.

Section 7: Searching
for Hidden Malware in Memory |
- Analyze Process IDs with malfind
- Instructions
- vol.py
pslist --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f ms10_061.dd | grep
- vol.py
malfind -p 860,944
--profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f ms10_061.dd
- Replace (860)
with your first svchost.exe PID. (See Picture)
- Replace (944)
with your second svchost.exe PID. (See Picture)
- vol.py
connections --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f ms10_061.dd | grep
- vol.py
malfind -p (196)
--profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f ms10_061.dd
- Replace (196)
with your PID associated with Port 4444. (See Picture)
- Notice that malfind found suspicious
memory that has the ability to read, write and execute.
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, We use (pslist)
and (grep) to search for only svchost processes. svchost.exe
(Service Host, or SvcHost) is a system process that hosts multiple
Windows services.
- Command #2, We use (malfind)
to search for hidden or injected code/DLLs in user mode memory,
based on characteristics such as VAD tag and page permissions.
Notice no results were found, because malfind did not detect any
malware hidden in memory.
- Command #3, We use (connections)
and (grep) to search for only network connections that contain the
string (4444) to represent port/4444.
- Command #4-5, This time (malfind)
displays a lot of results. Notice the PID(196)
is associated with (W75nXA97wkv3RI.exe)
and its' VAD Tag Character has the ability to read, write and
execute instruction from its' particular memory location. VAD refers
to the Virtual Address Descriptor for the Windows Memory Tree

Section 8: Scan
Executable with BitDefender |
- Scan Executable with
- Note(FYI):
- Replace (W75nXA97wkv3RI.exe)
with your strangely named executable.
- Instructions
- bdscan --no-archive
--action=ignore W75nXA97wkv3RI.exe
| tee ms10_061_bdscan.txt
- Notice that BitDefender flags (W75nXA97wkv3RI.exe)
as an infected Backdoor.Shell.AC.
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, bdscan is BitDefender's
command line Antivirus Scanner for Unices. The flag
(--no-archive) specifies that bdscan should not scan inside
archives. The flag (--action=ignore) specifies even if an
infected object is found, BitDefender will just report them and no
action will be performed. Finally, we pipe (|) the output to
tee to (1) display the results to the screen and (2) and to log
those results to a file (ms10_061_bdscan.txt).

Section 9: Extract
Administrator Password from Registry |
- Retrieved Encrypted Passwords with
hivelist and hashdump
- Note(FYI):
- Replace the below virtual address (0xe1037b60)
of the system registry key with your virtual address. (See
- Replace the below virtual address (0xe1687758)
of the SAM registry key with your virtual address. (See Picture)
- Instructions
- vol.py --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f
ms10_061.dd hivelist | egrep '(system$|SAM$)'
- vol.py --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -f ms10_061.dd
hashdump -y
0xe1037b60 -s
| tee sam.txt
- grep "Admin" sam.txt | tee
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, Use (hivelist)
to locate the virtual addresses of registry hives in memory, and the
full paths to the corresponding hive on disk.
- Command #2, Use (hashdump)
to extract and decrypt cached domain credentials stored in the
- Command #3, Use (grep)
to search the file (sam.txt) and display the results.
- Command #2-3, Use (tee)
to display the results of the above commands and write those results
into their output files (sam.txt and admin_sam.txt)

- Crack Admin Password with John The Ripper
- Instructions
- cat /dev/null > /root/.john/john.pot
- john --format=nt admin_sam.txt | tee
- Notice that John The Ripper easily
crack the Administrator password (abc123).
- Note(FYI):
- Command #1, Use cat and the null device
(/dev/null) to clear out the (john.pot) file by redirecting (>) null
output into it. The (john.pot) file contains previously
guessed passwords. If the password has already been correctly
guessed, then the password will not be displayed, unless you use the
(--show) flag.
- Command #2, use (john) to attempt
to crack the Administrator password. Use the flag (--format=nt)
to tell (john) that the password is using a Windows(nt)

- Proof of Lab
- Instructions
- cd /forensics/ms10_061
- ls -lrta
- grep -i backdoor ms10_061_bdscan.txt
- cat admin_passwd.txt
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Put in your actual name in place of
"Your Name"
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
Proof Of Lab Instructions:
- Do a PrtScn of the below commands
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle

