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(Ubuntu: Lesson 15)

{ Installing and Configuring Samba }

Section 0. Background Information
  1. What is Samba
    • The name Samba comes from SMB (Server Message Block), the name of the standard protocol used by the Microsoft Windows network file system. SMB is a protocol for sharing files, printers, serial ports, and communications abstractions such as named pipes and mail slots between computers.

    • Samba provides file and print services for various Microsoft Windows clients and can integrate with a Windows Server domain, either as a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) or as a domain member.

    • It can also be part of an Active Directory domain.

    • Samba runs on most Unix and Unix-like systems, such as GNU/Linux, Solaris, AIX and the BSD variants, including Apple's Mac OS X Server (which was added to the Mac OS X client in version 10.2).
  2. Prerequisite
  3. Lab Notes
    • In this lab we will how to do the following:
      1. We will install Samba on Ubuntu.
      2. We will configure Samba to only allow a specific user to access the Samba Share.

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    • In accordance with UCC § 2-316, this product is provided with "no warranties, either express or implied." The information contained is provided "as-is", with "no guarantee of merchantability."
    • In addition, this is a teaching website that does not condone malicious behavior of any kind.
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Section 1: Start Ubuntu 12.04
  1. Start VMware Player
    • Instructions
      1. For Windows 7
        1. Click Start Button
        2. Search for "vmware player"
        3. Click VMware Player
      2. For Windows XP
        • Starts --> Programs --> VMware Player


  2. Verify Virtual Machine Settings.
    • Instructions
      1. Click on Ubuntu 12.04
      2. Click on Edit virtual machine settings


  3. Configure Network Adapter
    • Instructions
      1. Click on Network Adapter
      2. Click on the Bridged Radio Button
      3. Click on the Close Button


  4. Start the Ubuntu 12.04 VM
    • Instructions
      1. Click on Ubuntu 12.04
      2. Click on Play virtual machine


Section 2: Login to Ubuntu
  1. Change to Gnome Classic
    • Instructions:
      1. Click on the Circle


  2. Select Gnome Classic
    • Instructions:
      1. Double Click on GNOME Classic


  3. Login to Server
    • Instructions
      1. User: Student
      2. Password: Please supply the student password.


Section 3: Become Root and Verify Network Connection
  1. Start up a Terminal
    • Instructions
      1. Click on the Terminal


  2. Become Root
    • Instructions
      1. sudo su -
      2. Supply the student password.


  3. Verify you have a network connection
    • Instructions
      1. ifconfig -a
        • eth0 is the name of my interface.
        • is my network IP address.
    • Note(FYI):
      • If you do not have an DHCP IP Address try the following:
        • dhclient
          • OR
        • /etc/init.d/networking restart


Section 3: Update apt-get's package index
  1. Update apt-get's package index
    • Instructions
      1. apt-get update
    • Note(FYI):
      • update is used to resynchronize the package index files from their sources. I.e., The "update" flag updates apt-get's local database with debian server's pkglist files. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the location(s) specified in /etc/apt/sources.list.


Section 4: Search for Samba
  1. Search for Samba
    • Instructions
      1. apt-cache search samba | more
        • apt-cache search samba
          • Shows you every package that contains the name samba.
        • | more
          • Allows you see the results line by line by pressing <Enter>, or page by page by pressing the <Space Bar>.
    • Note(FYI):
      • apt-cache is a command to manipulate and obtain information from the ubuntu packages.


Section 5: Install Samba
  1. Install Samba
    • Instructions
      1. apt-get install samba4 samba4-clients samba4-common-bin system-config-samba
      2. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y


  2. Verify Packages Are Installed
    • Instructions
      1. dpkg --get-selections | grep -i samba
    • Note(FYI):
      • dpkg - package manager for Debian
      • --get-selections - Displays all the packages install on the system.
      • | grep -i samba - prints lines only displaying the string samba, while ignoring the case (-i).


  3. View Samba configuration files
    • Instructions
      1. cd /etc/samba
      2. ls -lrta
    • Note(FYI):
      1. smb.conf
        • This is the Samba configuration file.


Section 6: Startup Script for Samba
  1. Startup Script for Samba
    • Instructions
      1. ls -l /etc/init.d/samba4
        • As part of the Samba installation, the samba startup script is placed in /etc/init.d/samba4.
      2. find /etc/rc*.d/* -print | xargs ls -l | grep samba
        • Notice there are no startup script present.
      3. update-rc.d samba4 defaults
        • The update-rc.d command is used to create startup, enable, kill, and remove scripts for services listed in the /etc/init.d.
        • If defaults is used then update-rc.d will make links to start the service in runlevels 2345 and to stop the service in runlevels 016. By default all the links will have sequence number 20
      4. find /etc/rc*.d/* -print | xargs ls -l | grep samba
        • Now the startup and kill scripts are present.
      5. runlevel
        • Identifies the current run level.
          • 0 System Halt
          • 1 Single user
          • 2 Full multi-user mode (Default)
          • 3-5 Same as 2
          • 6 System Reboot


  2. Stopping and Starting Samba with /etc/init.d/samba4
    • Instructions
      1. cd /etc/init.d
      2. ./samba4 stop
      3. ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep samba | wc -l
        • Notice, that 0 is returned, because samba is not running.
      4. ./samba4 start
      5. ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep samba
        • Now two lines are returned, because samba is running.
      6. ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep samba | wc -l


  3. Stopping and Starting Samba with the "service" command
    • Instructions
      1. service samba4 status
        • Notice the Samba startup script does not have a status option.
      2. service samba4 stop
        • This command will stop the samba daemon.
      3. ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep samba | wc -l
        • wc -l, returns 0 for the number of samba processes returned.
      4. service samba4 start
        • This will start the samba daemon/service.
      5. ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep samba | wc -l


Section 7: Create a Samba User
  1. Create a samba UNIX user account called sambauser.
    • Note(FYI):
      • Your must be root.
    • Instructions:
      1. useradd -m -d /home/sambauser -c "Samba User" -s /bin/bash sambauser
      2. grep sambauser /etc/passwd
      3. passwd sambauser
        • Remember your password rules you created in Lab 6.
          • At least 8 characters
          • Both Uppercase and Lowercase
          • At least 1 number character
          • At least 1 special character


Section 8: Configure Samba
  1. Start Up the Samba GUI.
    • Instructions:
      1. Applications --> System Tools --> Administration --> Samba


  2. Start Up the Samba GUI.
    • Instructions:
      1. Applications


  3. Configure Workgroup Name
    • Instructions:
      1. Preferences --> Server Settings


  4. Name the Workgroup
    • Instructions:
      1. Click the "Basic" tab
      2. Place "area51" in the Workgroup: text box.
      3. Click on the Security Tab
    • Note(FYI):
      • How to set these directives in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file.
        1. The samba configuration file is located at /etc/samba/smb.conf
        2. If you don't have access to this GUI, then you can set the workgroup directive to
          • workgroup = area51


  5. Security Workgroup Configuration
    • Instructions:
      1. Select the Security Tab
      2. Authentication Mode: User
      3. Encrypt Passwords: Yes
      4. Guest Account: No guest Account
      5. Click on OK.
    • Note(FYI):
      • How to set these directives in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file.
        1. encrypt passwords = yes
        2. guest account = no


  6. Security Workgroup Configuration
    • Instructions:
      1. Click Preferences
      2. Click Samba Users...


  7. Delete Samba User Nobody
    • Instructions:
      1. Select User "nobody"
      2. Click on the Delete User Button


  8. Delete Samba User student
    • Instructions:
      1. Select User "student"
      2. Click on the Delete User Button


  9. Add a Samba User
    • Instructions:
      1. Click the Add User Button


  10. Create New Samba User
    • Instructions:
      1. Unix Username: Select sambauser
      2. Windows Username: administrator
      3. Samba Password:
        • Does not have to be the same as the Unix sambauser password.
      4. Confirm Samba Password:
      5. Click the OK Button


  11. Samba Users
    • Note(FYI):
      • You should now see the sambauser
    • Instructions:
      1. Verify the sambauser was created
      2. Click the OK button


  12. Add a Samba Share
    • Instructions:
      1. File --> Add Share


  13. Create Samba Share
    • Instructions:
      1. Click the Basic Tab
      2. Directory: /tmp
      3. Share name: tmp
      4. Description: Samba tmp share
      5. Check the Writable Check Box
      6. Check the Visible Check Box
      7. Click the Access Tab
    • Note(FYI):
      • Do not click the OK button


  14. Give Access to the sambauser username
    • Instructions:
      1. Select the Access Tab
      2. Check the Only allow access to specific users radio button
      3. Check the sambauser check box
      4. Click OK


  15. Viewing your samba share
    • Note(FYI):
      1. After you completed the above step, you should see the below tmp share name.


Section 9: Configure Damn Vulnerable WXP SP2 Virtual Machine Settings
  1. Start VMware Player
    • Instructions
      1. Click the Start Button
      2. Search for vmware player
      3. Click VMware Player


  2. Edit Virtual Machine Settings
    • Instructions:
      1. Click on Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2
      2. Edit Virtual Machine Settings
    • Note:
      • Before beginning a lesson it is necessary to check the following VM settings.
  3. Set Network Adapter
    • Instructions:
      1. Click on Network Adapter
      2. Click on the radio button "Bridged: Connected directly to the physical network".
      3. Click the OK Button


Section 10: Login to Damn Vulnerable WXP SP2
  1. Start Up Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2.
    • Instructions:
      1. Start Up your VMware Player
      2. Play virtual machine
  2. Logging into Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2.
    • Instructions:
      1. Click on Administrator
      2. Password: Supply Password
        •  (See Note)
      3. Press <Enter> or Click the Arrow


Section 11: Connect Windows to Samba
  1. Open the Command Prompt
    • Instructions:
      1. Click the Start Button
      2. All Programs --> Accessories --> Command Prompt
  2. Determine IP Address
    • Instructions:
      1. ipconfig
        • In my case, my IP address is


  3. Open My Computer
    • Instructions:
      1. Start --> My Computer


  4. Provide Samba Server's IP Address
    • Instructions:
      1. \\
        • Replace with your Ubuntu IP address obtained from (Section 3, Step 3).
      2. Press <Enter>


  5. Provide Samba Credentials
    • Instructions:
      1. Double Click on the tmp folder
      2. User name: sambauser
      3. Password: This is password you created in (Section 8, Step 10)
      4. Click the OK Button


  6. Views Samba Share
    • Note(FYI):
      1. Now from Windows you are connected to Ubuntu's Samba Share.


  7. Create Directory
    • Instructions:
      1. File --> Folder


  8. Name Directory
    • Instructions:
      1. Name is "practice"
    • Note(FYI):
      • You not only have the ability to create directories but you can also save files as well.


Section 12: Samba Network Connection
  1. Name Directory
    • Instructions:
      1. netstat -naop | egrep '(:139|:445|:137|:138)'
        • Port 137/UDP - used by nmbd
        • Port 138/UDP - used by nmbd
        • Port 139/TCP - used by smbd
        • Port 445/TCP - used by smbd
    • Note(FYI):
      • Notice the ESTABLISHED TCP/445 connection between the Ubuntu Samba Server ( and the Windows machine (
      • Samba services are implemented as two daemons:
        1. smbd, which provides the file and printer sharing services, and
        2. nmbd, which provides the NetBIOS-to-IP-address name service. NetBIOS over TCP/IP requires some method for mapping NetBIOS computer names to the IP addresses of a TCP/IP network.  


Section 13: Samba Log Directory
  1. Samba Log Directory
    • Instructions:
      1. cd /var/log/samba/
      2. ls -lrta
    • Note(FYI):
      • Notice that Samba creates a log for each IP Address and each machine name.


Section 14: Samba Configuration Files
  1. Samba Configuration Files
    • Instructions:
      1. cd /etc/samba/
      2. ls -lrta
    • Note(FYI):
      • smb.conf, is the Samba configuration file.
      • smbusers, contains a list of Samba users.


  2. View our Samba Share
    • Instructions:
      1. cd /etc/samba/
      2. grep -n "\[tmp\]" smb.conf
        • In my case, 342 is the line number where the [tmp] share directive starts.
        • This directive has 6 lines, so 342 plus 6 is 348.
      3. sed -n 342,348p smb.conf
        • In my case, 342 is the line that [tmp] begins and 348 is where the directive ends.  (See above calculation).


  3. View Valid Samba Users
    • Instructions:
      1. cd /etc/samba/
      2. grep -n "valid users" smb.conf


Section 15: Proof of Lab
  1. Proof of Lab
    • Note(FYI):
      • Issue the below commands from the Ubuntu Terminal.
    • Instructions:
      1. netstat -naop | egrep '(:445)'
      2. ls -ld /tmp/practice/
      3. date
      4. echo "Your Name"
        • Replace the string "Your Name" with your actual name.
        • e.g., echo "John Gray"
    • Proof of Lab Instructions
      1. Press both the <Ctrl> and <Alt> keys at the same time.
      2. Do a <PrtScn>
      3. Paste into a word document
      4. Upload to Moodle


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