Lesson 14)
{ Installing and Testing
PortSentry against NMAP }
Section 0.
Background Information |
- What is PortSentry
- PortSentry is part of the Abacus Project
suite of security tools. It is a program designed to detect and respond
to port scans against a target host in real-time.
- PortSentry will detect SYN/half-open, FIN,
NULL, X-MAS and oddball packet stealth scans.
- PortSentry has an internal state engine to
remember hosts that connected previously. This allows the setting of a
trigger value to prevent false alarms and detect "random" port probing.
PortSentry will report all violations to the local or remote syslog
daemons indicating the system name, time of attack, attacking host IP
and the TCP or UDP port a connection attempt was made to. Once a scan is
detected your system will turn into a blackhole and disappear from the
- Prerequisite
Lab Notes
- In this lab we will how to do the following:
- We will install PortSentry on Ubuntu.
- We will test NMAP on an
un-configured PortSentry
- We will configure PortSentry.
- We will test NMAP on a configured
- We will show you how to unblock an
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Section 1: Start
Ubuntu 12.04 |
- Start VMware Player
- Instructions
- For Windows 7
- Click Start Button
- Search for "vmware player"
- Click VMware Player
- For Windows XP
- Starts --> Programs --> VMware

- Verify Virtual Machine Settings.
- Instructions
- Click on Ubuntu 12.04
- Click on Edit virtual machine settings
- Configure Network Adapter
- Instructions
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on the Bridged Radio Button
- Click on the Close Button
- Start the Ubuntu 12.04 VM
- Instructions
- Click on Ubuntu 12.04
- Click on Play virtual machine

Section 2: Login to
Ubuntu |
- Change to Gnome Classic
- Instructions:
- Click on the Circle

- Select Gnome Classic
- Instructions:
- Double Click on GNOME Classic

- Login to Server
- Instructions
- User: Student
- Password: Please supply the student

Section 3: Become
Root and Verify Network Connection |
- Start up a Terminal
- Instructions
- Click on the Terminal

- Become Root
- Instructions
- sudo su -
- Supply the student password.

- Verify you have a network connection
- Instructions
- ifconfig -a
- eth0 is the name of my interface.
- is my network IP
- Note(FYI):
- If you do not have an DHCP IP Address
try the following:
- dhclient
- /etc/init.d/networking restart

Section 3: Update
apt-get's package index |
- Update apt-get's package index
- Instructions
- apt-get update
- Note(FYI):
- update is used to resynchronize the
package index files from their sources. I.e., The "update" flag
updates apt-get's local database with debian server's pkglist files.
The indexes of available packages are fetched from the location(s)
specified in /etc/apt/sources.list.

Section 4: Search
for portsentry |
- Search for portsentry
- Instructions
- apt-cache search portsentry
- Note(FYI):
- apt-cache is a command to manipulate
and obtain information from the ubuntu packages.

Section 5: Install
portsentry |
- Install portsentry
- Instructions
- apt-get install portsentry

- PortSentry Informational
- Note(FYI):
- PortSentry does not block anything by
- Messages are dumped into /var/log/syslog.
- We will use the /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf
to configure PortSentry.
- Instructions
- Press <Enter>

- View PortSentry configuration files
- Instructions
- ls -l /etc/portsentry/
- Note(FYI):
- portsentry.conf
- This is the PortSentry configuration
- portsentry.ignore
- This file contains a list of IP
addresses that PortSentry should ignore if it connects to a
monitored port.
- portsentry.ignore.static
- If you use the /etc/init.d/portsentry
script to start the daemon, portsentry.ignore is rebuild on each
start of the daemon using portsentry.ignore.static and all the
IP addresses found on the machine via ifconfig.

- View PortSentry Message in /var/log/syslog
- Instructions
- grep portsentry /var/log/syslog
- Note(FYI):
- Right after PortSentry is installed,
notice starts listening (i.e., monitoring) on various TCP and UDP

Section 6: Startup
Script for PortSentry |
- Startup Script for PortSentry
- Instructions
- ls -l /etc/init.d/portsentry
- As part of the portsentry
installation, the portsentry startup script is placed in /etc/init.d/portsentry.
- find /etc/rc*.d/* -print | xargs ls -l
| grep portsentry
- Identifies start up and kill
scripts for portsentry.
- runlevel
- Identifies the current run level.
- 0 System Halt
- 1 Single user
- 2 Full multi-user mode
- 3-5 Same as 2
- 6 System Reboot

- Stopping and Starting PortSentry with /etc/init.d/portsentry
- Instructions
- cd /etc/init.d
- ./portsentry stop
- ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep
portsentry | wc -l
- Notice, that 0 is returned,
because portsentry is not running.
- ./portsentry start
- ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep
- Now two lines are returned, because
portsentry is running.
- ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep
portsentry | wc -l

- Stopping and Starting PortSentry with the "service"
- Instructions
- service portsentry status
- Notice the PortSentry startup
script does not have a status option.
- service portsentry stop
- This command will stop the
- ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep
portsentry | wc -l
- wc -l, returns 0 for the number of
portsentry processes returned.
- service portsentry start
- This will start the portsentry
- ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep
portsentry | wc -l
- wc -l, returns 2 for the number of
portsentry processes returned. (e.g., TCP and UDP).

Section 7: Configure
BackTrack Virtual Machine Settings |
- Open Your VMware Player
- Instructions:
- On Your Host Computer, Go To
- Start --> All Program --> VMWare -->
VMWare Player
- Edit BackTrack Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Highlight BackTrack5R1
- Click Edit virtual machine settings

- Edit Network Adapter
- Instructions:
- Highlight Network Adapter
- Select Bridged
- Do not Click on the OK Button.

Section 8: Login to
BackTrack |
- Start BackTrack VM Instance
- Instructions:
- Start Up VMWare Player
- Select BackTrack5R1
- Play virtual machine

- Login to BackTrack
- Instructions:
- Login: root
- Password: toor or <whatever you changed
it to>.

- Bring up the GNOME
- Instructions:
- Type startx

Section 9: Open
Console Terminal and Retrieve IP Address |
- Open a console terminal
- Instructions:
- Click on the console terminal
- Get IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Note(FYI):
- As indicated below, my IP address is
- Please record your IP address.

Section 10: Test
NMAP on unconfigured PortSentry |
- Test BackTrack's NMAP on Ubuntu's unconfigured
- Note(FYI):
- Issue the below commands from the
BackTrack Terminal.
- Instructions:
- nmap -p 1-65535 -T4 -A -v -PE
-PS22,25,80 -PA21,23,80
- Replace with Ubuntu's
IP address you obtained in (Section 3, Step 3).

- Check Ubuntu's syslog
- Note(FYI):
- Issue the below commands from the
Ubuntu Terminal.
- Instructions:
- grep "attackalert" /var/log/syslog
- Now you will see a lot of
attackalert coming from BackTrack(
- In your case the IP address will be
the IP Address Obtained in (Section 9, Step 2).

- Check Ubuntu's syslog
- Note(FYI):
- Issue the below commands from the
BackTrack Terminal.
- Instructions:
- ping -c 5
- Replace with Ubuntu's
IP address you obtained in (Section 3, Step 3).
- Notice BackTrack can ping Ubuntu
and is not blocked by PortSentry yet.

Section 11:
Configure PortSentry on Ubuntu |
- Configure PortSentry on Ubuntu
- Note(FYI):
- Issue the below commands from the
Ubuntu Terminal.
- Instructions:
- grep -n "BLOCK_UDP=" /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf
- This will show you the line number
of where "BLOCK_UDP=" exists.
- In my case, the line number is 135.
- vi +135 /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf

- Configure UDP/TCP Blocking
- Instructions:
- For line, BLOCK_UDP="0", arrow over to
the 0 and press the "r" key to replace the 0 with a 1.
- For line, BLOCK_TCP="0", arrow down and
over to the 0 and press the "r" key to replace the 0 with a 1.
- Press the <ESC> Key
- Type ":wq!"
- Press <Enter>

- Restart PortSentry
- Instructions:
- service portsentry stop
- service portsentry start

Section 12: Test
NMAP on a configured PortSentry |
- Test BackTrack's NMAP on Ubuntu's unconfigured
- Note(FYI):
- Issue the below commands from the
BackTrack Terminal.
- Instructions:
- nmap -p 1-65535 -T4 -A -v -PE
-PS22,25,80 -PA21,23,80
- Replace with Ubuntu's
IP address you obtained in (Section 3, Step 3).

- Tested Blocked Ubuntu Host from BackTrack
- Instructions:
- ping -c 5
- Replace with Ubuntu's
IP address you obtained in (Section 3, Step 3).
- Notice the Ubuntu host is now
unreachable using ICMP.
- telnet 22
- telnet 80

Section 13:
Analyzing Ubuntu Deny Host Logs |
- Analyzing Ubuntu Deny Host Logs
- Note(FYI):
- Make sure you are on the
Ubuntu Server.
- Instructions:
- grep -n DENY /etc/hosts.deny
- Notice that BackTrack's IP Address
is blocked.
- This will block SSH connectivity.
- grep -n Blocked /var/lib/portsentry/portsentry.blocked.tcp
- This file shows IP address that
have been blocked for TCP scans.
- grep -n Blocked /var/lib/portsentry/portsentry.history
- This file shows IP address that
have been blocked for both UDP and TCP scans.
- grep -n Blocked /var/lib/portsentry/portsentry.blocked.udp
- This file shows IP address that
have been blocked for UDP scans.
- netstat -rn | grep ""
- Replace with
BackTrack's IP address you obtained in (Section 9, Step 2)
Section 14: Unblock
BackTrack |
- Stop PortSentry
- Note(FYI):
- Make sure you are on the
Ubuntu Server.
- Instructions:
- service portsentry stop

- Scrub the hosts.deny file
- Instructions:
- cd /etc
- grep -v ""
hosts.deny > hosts.deny.new
- Replace with BackTrack's IP Address obtained in (Section 9, Step 2).
- grep ""
hosts.deny.new | wc -l
- Replace with BackTrack's IP Address obtained in (Section 9, Step 2).
- mv hosts.deny hosts.deny.old
- mv hosts.deny.new hosts.deny

- Scrub the portsentry.history file
- Instructions:
- cd /var/lib/portsentry/
- grep -v ""
portsentry.history > portsentry.history.new
- Replace with BackTrack's IP Address obtained in (Section 9, Step 2).
- grep ""
portsentry.history.new | wc -l
- Replace with BackTrack's IP Address obtained in (Section 9, Step 2).
- mv portsentry.history.new

- Scrub the portsentry.blocked.tcp file
- Instructions:
- cd /var/lib/portsentry/
- grep -v ""
portsentry.blocked.tcp > portsentry.blocked.tcp.new
- Replace with BackTrack's IP Address obtained in (Section 9, Step 2).
- grep ""
portsentry.blocked.tcp.new | wc -l
- Replace with BackTrack's IP Address obtained in (Section 9, Step 2).
- mv portsentry.blocked.tcp.new

- Remove Reject Route
- Instructions:
- netstat -rn
- Show routing table.
- Notice that BackTrack's IP Address
is Rejected.
- route del -host reject
- Replace with BackTrack's IP Address obtained in (Section 9, Step 2).
- netstat -rn
- Notice that BackTrack's IP Address
no longer exists.
- Start up PortSentry
- Instructions:
- service portsentry start

- Ping Ubuntu
- Note(FYI):
- Make sure you are on the
BackTrack Server.
- Instructions:
- ping -c 5
- Replace with Ubuntu's
IP address you obtained in (Section 3, Step 3).

- Proof of Lab
- Note(FYI):
- Issue the below commands from the
Ubuntu Terminal.
- Instructions:
- cd /var/log/
- grep portsentry syslog | awk '{print
$6}' | sort | uniq -c
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Replace the string "Your Name" with
your actual name.
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
Proof of Lab Instructions
- Press both the <Ctrl> and <Alt> keys at
the same time.
- Do a <PrtScn>
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle

