(CentOS 6.6:
Lesson 6)
{ Basic whoami, ls, cat, more, mkdir, cp, mv, rm Commands Usage }
Section 0. Background
Information |
- Background Information
- In this lesson, you will be exposed to some
very common and popular commands to help you navigate around in the
Linux world via a command line.
- Pre-requisites
CentOS 6.6: Lesson 1: Installing CentOS 6.6
- In this lab we will do the following:
- Determine who the current user is after
switching user.
- Determine who the current user was
before switching user.
- Learning how to create, rename and
delete files.
- Learning how to view files.
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Section 1. Configure
CentOS-6.6 Virtual Machine Settings |
- Open Your VMware Player
- Instructions:
- On Your Host Computer, Go To
- Start --> All Program --> VMWare -->
VMWare Player
- Edit CentOS-6.6 Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Highlight CentOS-6.6
- Click Edit virtual machine settings
- Auto Detect Hard Drive
- Instructions:
- Click on CD/DVD(IDE)
- Click the Use physical drive: radio
- Make sure Auto detect is selected
- Edit Network Adapter
- Instructions:
- Highlight Network Adapter
- Select Bridged
- Click the OK Button
Section 2. Play
Virtual Machine |
- Start the CentOS-6.6 VM
- Instructions:
- Click on the CentOS-6.6 VM
- Click on Play virtual machine
Section 3. Login to
CentOS |
- Login to CentOS
- Note(FYI):
- Until you click the user, in this case
Security Student, the Password field will not be displayed.
- Instructions:
- Click on Security Student
- This will display the password text
- Supply its' password
- Click the Log In Button
- Open a Terminal
- Instructions:
- Applications --> System Tools -->
- Switch User to root
- Instruction:
- su - root
- Supply the Root Password
- Notes (FYI):
- su - root, this command allows the user
student to switch user to user root, provided the root password can
be supplied.
- Get IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Notes (FYI):
- As indicated below, my IP address is for Network Interface eth1.
- Please record your IP address
- The Local Loopback Address is
for Network Interface lo.
- The loopback device is a special,
virtual network interface that your computer uses to communicate
with itself. When the network or wifi is disconnected the
loopback exists so applications running on your computer can
always connect to servers on the same machine.
Section 4. Who Am I
and Who Was I? |
- Who Am I -and- Who Was I?
- Instructions:
- whoami
- ps -f
- Obtain the PPID associated with the
line that contains "su - root". My PPID is
Record your PPID.
- ps -eaf | grep
30234 | grep
-v grep
- who am i
- Note(FYI):
- whoami, this command displays the user
name associated with the current effective user ID.
- ps -f, this command display processes.
Using the ps command without using the all (-ea) option, will only
display the process for the current effective user. The (-f)
option will display a full listing.
- ps -eaf | grep
30234 | grep
-v grep
- ps -eaf, will display all the
systems running processes.
- grep
will search for only current PID and parent PPID processes that
contain the string
- grep -v grep, use (-v) to ignore a
process line with grep in it.
- Notice the current process (PID)
associated with 30234 is the student's bash shell, which is
created during the login process.
- who am i, will display the original
logged in user. Notice the user is student.
Section 5. Directory
Navigation |
- Moving Up and Down a Directory Tree
- Instructions:
- cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
- pwd
- cd
- cd
- pwd
- Note(FYI):
- Change directory to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory.
Notice network-scripts is three directories down.
- /etc - First level directory
- /etc/sysconfig - Second level
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts -
Third level directory
- pwd, display current working directory.
- cd
../, change
directory one level up from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts to /etc/sysconfig.
- pwd, display current working directory.
- cd
../../, change
directory two level up from /etc/sysconfig to /.
- pwd, display current working directory.
- Go Back To Previous Directory
- Instructions:
- cd /home/student
- pwd
- cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
- pwd
- cd
- Note(FYI):
- Change directory to the /home/student directory.
- pwd, display current working directory.
- Change directory to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory.
- pwd, display current working directory.
- cd
Go back to the previous directory.
- Go To Current User's home directory
- Instructions:
- cd /
- pwd
- whoami
- grep "^root"
- cd
- pwd
- Note(FYI):
- Change directory to the / directory.
- pwd, display current working directory.
- whoami, this command displays the user
name associated with the current effective user ID.
- grep "^root"
/etc/passwd, Search the /etc/passwd file for line in the file that
starts with (^)
the string "root".
- Change directory to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory.
- pwd, display current working directory.
- cd
Go to current user's home directory. The currently user is
root. User root's home directory is located in "/root".
Section 6. Basic
Linux File Types |
- Creating File Types
- Instructions:
- mkdir -p /var/tmp/etc/passwd_dir
- cd /var/tmp/etc
- ln -s /etc/passwd passwd_link
- cp /etc/passwd passwd_file
- cp passwd_file
- ls -la
- Note(FYI):
- mkdir, this command create a directory.
The "-p" option will create any directories that don't already
- Change Directory into the /var/tmp/etc
- Create a softlink or short cut,
called passwd_link to the /etc/passwd.
- Copy the /etc/passwd file and name it
- Make another copy of the passwd_file
and name it
In Linux, a file starting with a period(.) makes it invisible to a
regular file listing.
- ls -la, The ls command list directory
contents. The "-l" option provides a long listing format.
The "-a" will display invisible files starting with period(.).
- Listing Visible and Invisible Files
- Instructions:
- ls -l
- ls -la
- Note(FYI):
- ls -l, This command displays a long
listing of the visible files. Notice, you cannot see the .passwd_hidden_file.
- ls -la, This command displays a long
listing of both visible and invisible files.
- passwd_dir, is a directory.
Notice the permissions (drwxr-xr-x)
start with a "d"
that indicates the file is actually a directory.
- passwd_file, is a file. The
permissions (-rw-r--r--)start
with a "-",
which indicates a file.
is also a file, but since it starts with a ".",
it is not visible to a regular file listing.
- passwd_link, is a symbolic link.
The permissions (lrwxrwxrwx)
start with a "l",
which indicates a link.
- Determine File Types
- Instructions:
- file /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file
- file /var/tmp/etc/passwd_link
- file /var/tmp/etc/passwd_dir/
- file /usr/bin/perl
- Note(FYI):
- file, is a command used to determine
file types.
- /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file - ASCII
- /var/tmp/etc/passwd_link - Symbolic
- /var/tmp/etc/passwd_dir/ -
- /usr/bin/perl - Executable
- Listing All Directory Contents
- Instructions:
- ls -alR /var/tmp/etc/
- find /var/tmp/etc/ -print
- Note(FYI):
- ls -alR
/var/tmp/etc/, Recursively(R)
long list(l)
the contents of the /var/tmp/etc/ directory. Notice that after
all the immediate directories and files have been listed, then all
the files located in /var/tmp/etc/passwd_dir are listed.
- find /var/tmp/etc/ -print, The find
command is used in the same fashion to list all the files in /var/tmp/etc.
Notice it is a cleaner looking list that could better be used in a
Section 7. Display
File Contents |
- Using the cat command (Print Output)
- Instructions:
- cat /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file
- Note(FYI):
- cat, this command can be used for (1)
concatenating files and (2)printing output to the screen. In
this case, we are using it to just display the contents of a file.
- Using the cat command (File Creation)
- Instructions:
- cat /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file
> /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file2
- ls -l /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file*
- md5sum /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file*
- Note(FYI):
- (cat /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file) will
display file contents to the screen. The the greater than/redirect
operator (>)
will redirect the content into another file called /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file2.
- (ls -l /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file*),
will display all the files starting with the string passwd_file in
the /var/tmp/etc directory.
- (md5sum /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file*)
will display all the MD5 checksums for all the files starting with
the string passwd_file.
- Using the more command
- Instructions:
- more /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file
- Press <Enter> until off the contents of
the file is displayed.
- Note(FYI):
- more, is a command that is used to page
through text one screenful at a time.
Section 8. Display
File Contents |
- Opening a file with VI
- Instructions:
- vi /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file
- Note(FYI):
- vi is a plain text editor.
- Save and Exit VI
- Instructions:
- Press the <Esc> button
- Type
- Opening a file with gedit
- Instructions:
- gedit /var/tmp/etc/passwd_file
- Click "X" to close gedit
- Note(FYI):
- gedit, is the gnome text editor.
Section 9. Copying, Moving and Deleting Files |
- Opening a file with gedit
- Instructions:
- cd /var/tmp/etc
- ls -l
passwd_file2 passwd_file4
passwd_file4 passwd_file3
- ls -l
- Note(FYI):
- cd /var/tmp/etc, Change directory into
- ls -l, List the files in the /var/tmp/etc
passwd_file2 passwd_file4, use the copy command (cp)
to copy file passwd_file2 and name the new file passwd_file4.
passwd_file4 passwd_file3, use the move/rename command (mv)to
rename passwd_file4 to passwd_file3.
- ls -l, List the files in the /var/tmp/etc
- Opening a file with gedit
- Instructions:
passwd_file3 passwd_file5
- ls -l passwd_file*
- y
- ls -l passwd_file*
- Note(FYI):
passwd_file3 passwd_file5, use the copy command (cp)
to copy file passwd_file3 and name the new file passwd_file5.
- ls -l passwd_file*,
In the /var/tmp/etc directory, list all the files that start with
the string passwd_file. The asterisk(*)
is a wild card.
passwd_file5, use the remove/delete command (rm)to
delete the passwd_file5 file.
- If you do not use the (-f) option with
the rm command, then you will prompted to re-verify the deletion of
a file.
- See comment #2.
- Proof of Lab
- Instructions:
- find /var/tmp/etc/ -print | xargs
ls -lad
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Put in your actual name in place of
"Your Name"
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
- Note(FYI):
- find /var/tmp/etc/ -print | xargs
ls -lad
- Use (find
/var/tmp/etc/ -print)to display
all the file in the /var/tmp/etc directory.
- Use (xargs
ls -lad) to display the long
listing of both visible and invisible files.
Proof of Lab
- Press the <Ctrl> and <Alt> key at the
same time.
- Press the <PrtScn> key.
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle